
  • 网络Big Banyan Tree;big banyan;Banyan tree
  1. 看,小玲正坐在那棵大榕树下的草地上。

    Look , Xiaoling is sitting on the grass under the big banyan tree .

  2. 然而,这绝不是阳朔的全部,阳朔,绝对不是只有西街、月亮山和大榕树。

    However , this by no means all of Yangshuo , Yangshuo is definitely not the only West Street , Moon Hill and Big Banyan Tree .

  3. 大榕树又教会了我们夏天是什么。

    Big banyan again church our summer is what .

  4. 他领路走到一棵大榕树的树荫里。

    He led the way to the shade of a large banyan tree .

  5. 这棵大榕树已经有四百多年的历史了。

    This huge banyan tree has a history of more than 400 years .

  6. 你说的就是这棵大榕树啊?

    You mean this huge banyan tree ?

  7. 哦,我们从大榕树身上又读懂了什么是冬天。

    What we read to understand again from the big banyan body to is a winter .

  8. 在大榕树的生命了,留下了一抹灿烂的金黄。

    In the large banyan tree of life , leaving behind a touch of brilliant golden yellow .

  9. 大榕树,是纯洁爱情的象征,记载了人间的情感历程。

    Big banyan is the symbol of clean and pure love , jotting down the emotion process of the human life .

  10. 终于,在春姑娘的装扮下,大榕树原来光秃秃的身子穿上了翠绿的衣裳。

    Finally , attire in the spring miss under , the originally barren body of big banyan put on the jade-green clothes .

  11. 大榕树给春天添上了一丝生机,同学们也从大榕树嫩绿的衣裳中懂得了什么是春天。

    The big banyan put on one silk source of vitality for spring , what the classmates also knew from the clothes of the big banyan light green to is a spring .

  12. 牛群在草场吃草,牧童坐在大榕树下,悠闲地编织着红豆花环,他喜欢投入耶摩那清而深的河水中激起水花。

    The herd boy who grazes his cattle sitting under the banyan tree , and idly weaves gunjaflowers into gar-lands , who loves to splash and plunge in the Jamuna 's cool deep stream .

  13. 在学校的一角是,在操场上,耸立着一可棵威武的大榕树,它像一个卫士,忠实地守卫着着片操场。

    The dime that is at school is , on the drill ground , tower aloft a can a dominant and big banyan , it be like a bodyguard , defending a slice of drill ground faithfully .

  14. 很多年以前,福州大面积种植榕树,这就是它得名榕城的原因。

    That is the reason that it is called Banyan city .