
  • 网络large courtyards
  1. 龙灯随着锣鼓声进来,停在二门外的大天井里

    The dragon dance troupe , beating drums and cymbals , entered the outer compound .

  2. 客厅通向一个有屋顶的大天井,走过天井是一个度假风格的游泳池和长满青草的院子。

    The living room opens onto a large covered patio , which leads to a resort style pool and grassy yard .

  3. 用迈步式扩孔刀头钻凿天井是一项新技术,该技术能够用小钻机钻凿大天井。

    The use of sequential reaming head for raising is a new technology , which can make a small-sized drill to be used for boring a large-sized raise .

  4. 它可以行使大“天井”的功能,让阳光泻到院子里,给人提供一种精心设计的庭院内部景观。

    It can function as a large scale " light well ", allowing daylight to flood in and providing controlled views of interior spaces .

  5. 普通掘进法在大倾角长距离天井中的成功应用

    Successful Application of Common Excavation Methods in Shaft with Large Dip - angle and Long Distance

  6. 这块地方大不过花园式天井,但每一样东西树木、石头、水面、苔藓显得错落有致,俨然感觉空间比原来大了一倍。

    The plot of land is no bigger than a garden patio but each element tree , rock , water , moss has been placed so thoughtfully that the space feels twice the size .