
  • 网络salt quality
  1. 浅谈部分工艺改进对盐质的影响

    Brief Discussion on the Impact of Some Improvement of Processes on Salt Quality

  2. 该项目自2002年9月投产以来,盐质控制容易,应用效果明显。

    Since the project was put into operation in September 2002 , easy control of salt quality with obvious application results has been achieved .

  3. 影响盐质的因素及其提高盐质的措施

    Factors of Effecting Quality of Salt and Measures of Increasing Quality of Salt

  4. 废水综合利用对卤水、盐质及产量影响的分析

    Comprehensive Utilization of Wastewater Influences to Brie , Quality and Production of Salt

  5. 因为海水要比游泳池淡水浮力大,你知道海水中含有盐质。

    Because the sea water is more buoyant than fresh water as it contains salt , you know .

  6. 本文就影响盐质的因素及该矿提高成品盐质量所采取的措施作一粗浅阐述,以供商榷。

    This paper introduced factors of effecting quality of salt and measures of increasing quality of salt in our mine .

  7. 水稻秸秆挥发分初始析出温度及终止温度均随盐质比的增大而降低。

    The initial released temperature of volatile and termination temperature reduced with the increasing of the ratio of salt weight to biomass weight .

  8. 这滴水,当它的矿物质被吸去了的时候,变轻了,又浮到水面上来,在水面吸收了由于蒸发作用而抛弃在那里的盐质,又变重了,沉下去,重新给那些微生动物带来了可吸收的新物质。

    And so , after they 've finished depriving our water drop of its mineral nutrients , the droplet gets lighter , rises to the surface , there absorbs more salts left behind through evaporation , gets heavier , sinks again , and brings those tiny animals new elements to absorb .

  9. 对北疆4个区域土壤的pH、可溶性总盐及有机质含量状况进行了调查和评价。

    Content of pH , soluble total salt and organic matter in 4 regions of northern xinjiang are investigated and evaluated .

  10. 土壤总盐和有机质的变异系数由表层向底层逐渐增大,而pH值的变异系数在垂直方向上差异很小。

    The variability intensities of soil salt and organic matter are increase from surface to bottom , while the vertical deference of the variability intensities of pH value is unobvious .

  11. 无机盐与沥青质的协同作用对油藏润湿性的影响

    Influence of synergistic action of brine and asphaltenes on reservoir wettability

  12. 化学热泵中氨盐吸附工质对的研究进展

    Development of Ammonia-Salts Adsorption Working Pairs in Chemical Heat Pump

  13. 含盐冻结粉质粘土单轴抗压强度试验研究

    Uniaxial compressive strength of frozen saline silty clay

  14. 楚雄盆地铜、盐、有机质相互作用与砂岩铜矿生成

    Interactions of copper , evaporite , and organic matter and genesis of sandstone-hosted copper deposits in the Chuxiong basin , Yunnan Province

  15. 盐地碱蓬胞质CAT超表达于拟南芥叶绿体中的功能分析在正常生长条件下,野生型和转s+CAT基因植株表型无差异。

    Functional analysis of cytosolic CAT over-expressed in the chloroplast No difference was observed in growth between transgenic plants and wild type plants grown under the normal conditions .

  16. 各野生百合之间的原生境土壤含盐量和有机质含量有较大差异。

    There were great discrepancies among the soil salt content and organic content in each ecotypes ' original habitat .

  17. 根系生物量与土壤含盐量、有机质、全氮、石砾以及粗砂粒含量之间差异不显著。

    Soil salinity , soil organic matter , total nitrogen , content of gravel and coarse sand are no significantly related with Root biomass .

  18. 土壤的质地类型、含盐量、有机质含量等是决定土壤粒径分布分形维数的主要因子。

    Texture type , salt content , organic matter content , etc. are the major factors determining the fractal dimension of soil particle-size distribution .

  19. 吐哈油田西部各区块富含盐膏、膏质泥岩层,钻井时易发生复杂情况与事故。

    Borehole problems and drilling accidents are liable to occur while drilling in western blocks in Tuha Oilfield , which is rich in salt lime beds .

  20. 油田污泥的主要成分为钙、镁的碳酸盐(约70~80%),及其它可溶性盐、原油有机质等杂质。

    Oil field sludge is mainly composed of calcium and magnesium ′ s carbonate ( about 70-80 % ) and some other impurities , such as water-soluble salt 、 crude oil , etc.

  21. 使用熔融盐作为换热工质,能在电站中实现热能的常压高温传输,不必担心设备的承压问题。

    The use of molten salt as heat transfer fluid makes it possible that heat can be transmitted with high temperature and normal pressure in the plant so that the equipments face no high pressure problems .

  22. 试验以含水率、全盐量、有机质含量、有效氮含量、速效磷含量、速效钾含量等指标作为盐土生态修复的衡量指标。

    In the experiment there were seven factors which are water ratio , total soluble salt , organic content , available nitrogen content , content of rapidly available phosphorus and content of rapidly available potassium as the indicators of ecologic rehabilitation of saline soil .

  23. 膏岩、盐岩和泥岩为塑性材料,变形过程为典型的塑性形变,蠕变表明第三系膏盐质盖层具有较强的流动性。

    Plaster rock , salt rock and mudstone are plastic material and have the ability of plastic deformation . Creeping shows that the Tertiary gypsum cover has strong fluidity .