
  • 网络benzhu worship
  1. 第一部分介绍本主崇拜的历史沿革及其在白族人民日常生活中所具有的重要地位和意义;

    The first part introduces the history and development of Benzhu worship , and it takes an important position in Bai people daily life ;

  2. 本主崇拜是白族文化中极其重要的部分,而它之所经久不绝,至今兴盛,根本的原因就在于它一直在白族人民的生活中发挥着宗教、社会和文化方面的种种重要功能。

    Benzhu worship , an essential part of Bai culture , enjoys a long history and is still very popular with the Bais because it has its important religious , social and cultural functions in their life .

  3. 本主崇拜与白族传统体育

    Worship of Patron God and Traditional Sport of Bai Nationality

  4. 云南大理白族本主崇拜中的道德与行为规范教育

    Morality and Behavior Criterion Education of Patron God Worship of Bai Ethnic Minority in Dali , Yunnan Province

  5. 以云南省大理州鹤庆县草海镇板桥村为例,初步分析和探讨白族本主崇拜与“龙舟竞渡”间的关系。

    With the village Banqiao of Caohai Township in Heqing County of Dali Yunnan as an example , the paper makes an analysis of the relationship between Bai peoples village god worship and dragon boat race .

  6. 本主崇拜是白族的一种民族民间宗教信仰,其产生、形成的历史己非常久远,它和白族的历史文化、艺术、哲学、村社生活、民族意识等密切相联。

    The worship of the folk religion is a folk religious culture of the Bai people , and it is closely related with the history , art , philosophy , country life and national consciousness of the Bai people .

  7. 探讨本主祭礼仪式的象征体系,对准确理解本主崇拜的宗教意义,全面了解白族的民族文化有着重要作用。

    Discussing the symbolic system of the sacred ceremony to the local gods is of great importance to understanding the worship to the local gods and ethnic culture thoroughly and correctly .