
  • 网络original culture
  1. 你需要把语言的本源(文化)联系起来,这样你才能自然地讲出这门语言。

    You need to be constantly connected to the source of the language ( culture ) so that it flows from who you really are .

  2. 按照横、纵脉络延伸分析《王风》之文化本源与文化序变的关系,确立以文化视角研究《诗经》的方法,来论证《诗经》学史是与文化学史相伴而行的。

    That probes into The Book of Songs from the angle of culture is established through transverse and longitudinal analysis of the relationship between the cultural source and the cultural changing in Wang Feng , with the purpose of testifying the concomitance of The Book of Songs and cultural history .

  3. 最后,得出结论并提出如下建议:第一,认识两种艺术差别的文化本源,从文化探求两种艺术形式是否可以融合的可能性。

    Finally , draws the conclusion and puts forward the following proposal . First , knew that two kind of artistic differences the cultural source , seeks two kind of artistic forms from the culture whether can fuse possibility .

  4. 文化变异是文化学研究的主要问题之一,其变异原因为众多文化学家所努力探讨并作出了种种阐述,其中文化变异的动力本源问题更为文化学家所重点关注。

    Cultural variation is one of the main problems in the cultural research .

  5. 摘要梁漱溟的东西文化观是以“意欲”为本源来构建其文化哲学体系的。

    Liang shu-ming 's outlook on Oriental and occidental cultures , even his cultural and philosophical system , are based on the theory of " will " .

  6. 中国艺术美学思想的本源来自中国传统文化的浸润,形成了思想和心灵的独特的艺术传统。

    Originated from Chinese traditional culture , Chinese artistic and aesthetic thoughts form special artistic tradition on thoughts and soul . The nature of artistic expression has changed into inner spiritual feeling and comprehension .