
  • 网络HongKong ten year
  1. 香港在十年前的国际葡萄酒领域中还鲜少被提及,而自2008年葡萄酒税被废除后,香港成为了葡萄酒交易的重要枢纽。

    Hong Kong , which was barely featured on the international wine scene a decade ago , has become a major hub for wine trading since taxes on wine were abolished here in 2008 .

  2. 叶伟信与香港电影这十年

    Ye Weixin and These 10 years Hong Kong Films

  3. 他曾在香港住过十年(现已不住在那里了)。

    He lived in Hong King for ten years .

  4. 香港——金鑫十年前刚开始销售进口优质啤酒的时候,他的酒吧经理预计或许一、两个月才能卖出一箱。

    HONG KONG - When Jin Xin first started selling imported premium beer a decade ago , his bar manager predicted that it would take a month or two just to sell a single case .

  5. 例如:他在香港已住了十年(现在还住在香潜)。

    He has lived in Hong Kong for ten years .

  6. 他说,香港在过去的十年中克服万难,走到今天,这是充满了活力与生机的。

    Hu said Hong Kong has prevailed over difficulties over the past decade and is now full of vigor and vitality .