
  • 网络Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education;Ive;HKIVE
  1. 香港专业教育学院重整课程后,于一九九九至二零零零年度开办单元制新课程。

    After a major restructuring of IVE courses , new modularised courses are offered from 1999-2000 .

  2. 自一九九九年九月开始,该九所院校合并为一所教育机构,名为香港专业教育学院。

    From September , VTC has merged the nine institutions into a single education institution , the IVE .

  3. 为香港专业教育学院摩理臣山分校各学系提供优质语文教学服务。

    To deliver high quality language teaching ( English , Putonghua and Chinese communication ) to students of all disciplines at Morrison Hill Campus , IVE .