
  • 网络future web
  1. 宽带化和IP化是未来接入网的必然发展趋势。

    The broadband and IP-based access network is an inevitable trend .

  2. ATM技术在未来宽带网中将扮演十分重要的角色。

    ATM technology plays a very important role in the future broadband networks .

  3. IMS作为网络融合的基础平台,将成为未来核心网的发展方向。

    IMS will be the future direction of CN as the base platform of network amalgamation .

  4. 视频点播(VOD)业务是未来宽带网中最有前途的业务之一。

    Video-On-Demand ( VOD ) will be one of the most perspective businesses in broadband network .

  5. 综合业务数字网(ISDN)是未来通信网发展的趋势。

    Integrated Services Digital Network ( ISDN ) is a developing tendency of the telecommunication network s ;

  6. 进一步认为,未来企业网建设中的VPN构建将采用以MPLSVPN为主其它方法为辅的解决办法。

    What 's more , it is considered that MPLS VPN , added others , is a main solution to construct VPN for enterprise networks in future .

  7. 弹性分组环技术是一种新型的MAC层协议,具有很高的生存性,是未来城域网技术的重要发展方向。

    Resilient Packet Ring is a new type of MAC protocol , which has high survivability . RPR is an important development technology in future metropolitan area network ( MAN ) .

  8. adhoc网络是一种自组织、对等式、多跳无线移动通信系统,是未来无线网进行数据传输的主要理想手段之一。

    Ad Hoc network is a kind of self-organized , peer to peer and multi-hop wireless mobile communication system and will be the one of ideal means for data transmission in wireless network in the future .

  9. 根据NGN的发展思路和未来电信网的融合发展趋势,分析了基于IMS网络融合固网、移动网和互联网后可能出现的安全问题。

    According to the development trends of NGN and telecommunication networks , we analyze the potential security problems after converging fixed , mobile and Internet networks based on IMS architecture .

  10. MPLS(多协议标记交换)是一种转发机制,结合了第二层的高速交换和第三层路由的灵活性,为未来骨干网提供了高速的IP转发和扩展性。

    MPLS in an forwarding mechanism , which integrates the flexibility of L3 forwarding with the high speed of L2 switching and provides the solution for backbone network in terms of high-speed IP forwarding and great scalability .

  11. O-CDMA在未来接入网中的优点及问题

    Advantages and Problems of O-CDMA in Future Access Network

  12. 阐述了P-SCDMA系统的特点及其在未来信息网中的重要作用;

    The features of P-SCDMA and its important role in the future telecommunication systems are expatiated on .

  13. 本文简介了CHINANET的发展现状,较详尽地剖析了它的网络结构和接入方式,并就未来全网漫游的原则方案进行了基本阐述。

    The paper introduces briefly the current situation of CHINANET development , analyses its architecture and access modes and describes the basic scheme about future roaming in the whole network .

  14. 着眼于未来电信网的建设和发展,针对分组无线接入的理论,技术和应用问题,提出了一种具有后向兼容性的分组同步CDMA(P-SCDMA)无线传输技术;

    With a view to the constructing and developing of future telecommunication networks , aimed at the problems about the theory , technology and application of radio access . this paper presents a packet synchronous CDMA ( PSCDMA ) radio transmit technology ( RTT ) which has the backward compatibility .

  15. MC-DS-CDMA是采用DS-CDMA与OFDM相结合的Beyond3G无线接入技术,而移动定位业务是未来蜂窝网都必将提供的增值业务,故MC-DS-CDMA蜂窝系统中的移动定位技术具有广阔的应用前景。

    MC-DS-CDMA is a Beyond 3G access technology , which is integrated by DS-CDMA and OFDM . Since mobile positioning operation must be afforded as an increment operation in future cellular network , mobile positioning technology in MC-DS-CDMA system has a wide application prospect .

  16. 服务、流量和技术趋势驱动下的未来广域网体系结构

    Future WAN Architecture Driven by Services , Traffic Volume , and Technology Trends

  17. 未来骨干网路由协议&BGP

    The Backbone Routing Protocol in the Future ── BGP

  18. 探索安全有保障的未来通信网

    An Exploration on Security Guarantee Future Network

  19. 未来通信网计算容量时的考虑

    Consideration in Estimating Capacity for Future Telecommunications

  20. 吉林市未来城网网架结构探讨

    Discussion on City Grid Structure in Jilin

  21. 然后提出了对未来企业网模式的一种设想。

    Second , a new idea on the future enterprise network scheme is put forward .

  22. 本文对未来传送网中的一些融合技术进行了介绍,包括控制平面和传送平面。

    The convergence trends of control plan and transport plan in future transport networks are introduced .

  23. 在网络领域,一个重大的创新图强机遇已经出现,这就是创建“安全有保障的未来通信网”。

    An important network innovation opportunity is now coming , that is to innovate a security guarantee future network .

  24. 运用时间序列外推法预测未来固网电信业收入增长趋势;

    Use of time sequence method to predict the future growth trend of the fixed network telecom industry revenue ;

  25. 智能光网络是未来传输网的发展方向,其中路由技术则是智能光网络关键的支撑性技术。

    Intelligent optical network is the future development direction of transmission network . The routing technology is the key support technology of intelligent optical network .

  26. 因此人们普遍认为:未来无线网将是由多种技术、多种网络、多种业务相互融合所形成的集合体。

    So it is commonly agreed that the future wireless network will be an integration of all kinds of wireless network with different technologies and different service .

  27. 同时,密集波分复用技术为将为未来电视网、电话网和传统计算机网络合并为一个数字化、分组化的集成的网络提供了高速通信条件。

    Meanwhile , DWDM technology has provided high-speed communication base for merging the television network , telephone network and traditional computer network into the future integrated network .

  28. 公路网布局作为公路建设的一项前期工作,对确保未来公路网系统功能实现有重要的意义。

    As a prophase work of highway construct , the highway network distribution is of terrible importance to the implement of highway system function in the future .

  29. 面对未来主干网的传输负担日益增大,如何应对由此带来的一系列复杂性问题,成为当前亟待探索和解决的问题。

    The face of the increasing burden on future backbone transmission and how to respond to a series of complex issues become an urgent problem to explore and resolve .

  30. 传统的SDH/MSTP/WDM技术在网络调度、保护、管理等方面存在着先天的局限性,不能满足未来传送网的需求。

    Traditional technology such as SDH / MSTP / WDM has many disadvantages including network scheduling , protection and management which can not meet the demand of future network .