
  • 网络Future Orientation;FUTURE ORIENTED;future-orientation
  1. 《时间疗法》(TheTimeCure)一书的作者之一津巴多称:“这些人活在消极的过去,认为无论做什么都无济于事。”他们在现在享受及未来导向这两项中的得分也较低。

    These people are living in a negative past and think nothing they do can change it , ' says Dr. Zimbardo , co-author of the book ' The Time Cure . ' They also score low on present hedonism and have a low future orientation .

  2. 斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)的心理学家、名誉教授菲利普·津巴多(PhilipZimbardo)称,最好的状态是拥有高度“过去积极观”、较高“未来导向观”以及中度选择性“现在享受观”的混合。

    The best profile to have , says Philip Zimbardo , psychologist and professor emeritus at Stanford University , is a blend of a high level of past-positive , a moderately high level of future orientation and a moderate level of selected present hedonism .

  3. 网络文化的价值定位与未来导向

    Value-Position and Future-Orientation of Web Culture

  4. 明显地,未来导向的地区主义为基础的亚洲秩序符合所有亚洲各国的利益。

    Obviously , the regionalism-based and future-oriented Asian order abides by all Asian countries ' interests .

  5. 以可持续发展为原则的城市规划应突出其未来导向性、环境导向性、社会导向性的特点,文章就其含义及实现途径进行了分析和探讨。

    According to sustainable development principle , the urban planning should have characteristics of tendency towards future , towards eco-environmental protection and towards community .

  6. 这种拉斯威尔与麦道格所提出的在决策制定中所采用的具有未来导向的方法,被认为是出众的对于传统学说的机械操作。

    Such a future-oriented approach to the decision-making process is regarded by McDougal and Lasswell as far superior to the mechanical manipulation of traditional doctrines .

  7. 文章首先介绍了未来导向的工作分析和战略性工作分析对工作未来需求和组织特定需求的关注;

    This article first introduced future-oriented job analysis and strategic job analysis , which give more concern to future demands of work and organization specific requirements .

  8. 你的未来导向得分可以通过建立日程表或者规划家庭度假来提高,这些活动都能让你展望并规划积极的未来。

    Your future orientation can get a boost by organizing your calendar or planning a family vacation , actions that get you to envision and plan for a positive future .

  9. 面对模具制造质量和竞争力的不断挑战,我们从不妥协,我们能为客户提高未来导向型的解决方案!

    We never compromise when we are faced with increasingly high demand for mold quality and the challenge of competitiveness , because we can improve the future-oriented solutions for the customers !

  10. 对于儒学宗教性的理论价值客观的认识,并且挖掘出其实践价值,这不仅有助于引导儒学的健康发展,而且对其他宗教的未来导向也是有一定的借鉴意义。

    Religious theories of Confucianism and objective to recognize the value and dig out their practical value , not only help guide the healthy development of Confucianism , but also the future direction of other religions also have some reference .

  11. 将会使未来的导向系统设计有无限的拓展空间。

    Will enable future guidance system design to have the infinite possible development space .

  12. 自为的存在指本真的存在,它追求人性的自我,它是不固定的、自由的、以未来为导向的。

    Being-for-itself is authentic and pursues the self of human nature . It is fluid and open towards the future .

  13. 发展性教师评价理论是目前全世界广泛认可的教师评价理论,它的特点是关心教师的专业发展、以教师未来为导向。

    Theory of development in the appraisal of teachers is widely recognized around the world . It is characterized by the concern for the professional development of teachers , and it is future career-oriented .

  14. 笔者主要选择了当前已经引发一定的社会危害、并且即将成为信用卡犯罪未来发展导向的一些犯罪手法和形式,提出了问题和应对。

    The author hereby puts forward with issues and resolutions thereto on methods and forms of crimes which have already given birth to damages to the society , and will be trends for the development of Credit Card crimes .

  15. 客观地评价市场份额,逐步理解并接受一个新的、面向未来、顾客导向的指标&顾客资产份额。

    By objectively analyzing market share , the paper guides readers to understand and accept a new customer-oriented index-Customer Equity Share .

  16. 战略问题对于一个企业而言是其未来发展的导向问题,战略管理是现代企业管理的最高层次与首要任务,在企业的经营过程中起着主导作用。

    Strategic management is the most high-level and primary task of modern business administration , playing a leading role in enterprise management .

  17. 若进一步将高温超导块材式直线电机应用在超导磁悬浮车系统中,有望帮助实现未来悬浮、导向及推进超导一体化目标。

    The superconducting levitation , superconducting guidance and superconducting propulsion will probably be integrated in the HTS Maglev transportation system if a HTS linear motor is employed .

  18. 8探讨文化的和谐社区至人类居住未来屋分析环境导向之未来发展。

    Research on future of analyzing environment oriented from culture harmonious community to future human housing . 9 .

  19. 本文最终通过逐层递进和具有逻辑性的研究得出结论与相应政策建议,并为未来外资发展提供导向。

    This paper through layer-by-layer progressive and logical method reached a conclusion and appropriate policy recommendations for the future FDI development .

  20. 追本溯源,企业R&D投入取决于企业相关利益者对企业未来发展的战略导向以及资源配置的组织控制。

    At the root of the matter , Enterprise R & D investment highly relies on strategic orientation of future development and organizational control of resources allocation .

  21. 因此以壁画艺术未来发展方向为导向,结合特定环境的历史背景、地域文化、民族风情等进行壁画创作,对建设更加人性化的城市公共空间环境具有极为重要的指导意义。

    So that take the future direction of mural arts as orientation , combine with historical background in specific environment , geographical and cultural and ethnic customs to create mural painting , has extremely important significance on building a more humane urban public space environment .