
  • 网络ecco the dolphin;Defender of Tomorrow
  1. 听听谷歌、Facebook和其他公司的说辞,你会感到这些公司已经开始相信自身的宣传:作为数字化未来的守护者,它们拥有更为高尚的使命,这应该允许它们不受法庭干预、不受民选政治人士的评判。

    To listen to Google , Facebook and the rest is to hear corporations that have come to believe their own propaganda : as custodians of the digital future , theirs is a higher calling that should grant them immunity from the meddling of courts or the judgments of elected politicians .

  2. 你是自己的身份和未来的守护者。

    You are the guardian , the protector of your identity , of your future .