
  1. 骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)为诱导中胚层未分化间充质细胞向成骨细胞方向分化的诱导因子。

    BMP induces differentiation of mesenchymal-type cells into osteoblast cells .

  2. 在维甲酸诱导腭裂组中,主要表达在血管周围及骨化中心周围的未分化间充质中,CD57在腭突远中端有较强阳性表达,在上皮中均未见表达。

    In the retinoic acid induced cleft palate group , mainly expressed in the undifferentiated mesenchymal cells around the perivascular and ossification centers . CD57 has a strong positive expression in the distal end of palate . Both of the tow markers showed no expression in the epithelium . 2 .

  3. 人体髌前骨膜生发层未分化间充质细胞分布较密集。

    The anterior periosteal undifferentiated mesenchymal cells of human patella were denser than that of the upper tibias .

  4. 组织细胞样细胞可演变为泡沫细胞和多核、单核的瘤巨细胞,另见少量未分化间叶细胞。

    The histiocyte-like ce - lls may be transformed into foamy cells , mononucleated or multinucleated tumor giant cells . Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells were rarely seen .

  5. 镜下间叶性软骨肉瘤由两种基本细胞成分,即构成未分化间叶细胞与分化较差的肿瘤性软骨岛交替存在,不形成分叶状结构,间叶细胞与软骨岛分界清晰。

    The histological characteristic features showed : mesenchymal chondrosarcoma was alternative composed by two elementary cell components which were undifferentiated mesenchymal cells together with islands of chondrosarcoma , without segmented structure , the demarcations between mesenchymal cells and islands of chondrosarcoma were limpid .

  6. 结论:1、牙髓细胞含量丰富,含有少量未分化间充质细胞,有望成为牙髓再生的种子细胞选择之一。

    So it could be used as plasma scaffold production proportion . Conclusion : 1 . Dental pulp cells is rich , containing a few undifferentiated mesenchymal cells , and is expected to become one option of seed cells for pulp regeneration . 2 .

  7. 复发与未复发组间、转移与未转移组间VEGF、MMP鄄9的表达差异有显著性(P0.05)。

    The expressions of MMP-9 and VEGF were significantly different between recurrence and no recurrence groups , and between metastasis and no metastasis groups ( P ﹤ 0.05 ) .

  8. 通过金相观测1Cr18Ni9Ti在HKC中未发现晶间腐蚀。

    Intergranular corrosion is not found in HKC by using optical microscope .

  9. BMP是一类疏水性酸性蛋白,其主要的生物学作用是诱导未分化的间充质细胞分化形成软骨和骨组织,具有异位成骨的能力。

    BMP , as hydrophobic acid protein , is involved in the induction of undifferentiated mesenchymal cell into tissue of cartilage and bone , and the ectopic ossification .

  10. 高危早产儿组及HIE组的干预组婴儿的中枢神经协调障碍、言语障碍及脑性瘫痪的发生与未干预组间差别有显著性意义(Ρ<005)。

    The determination of intelligent development in premature group and HIE group of high risk infants demonstrated that the difference between the early intervention group and no intervention has obvious significance in the rough and fine motion and linguistic ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 采血前2周内曾患呼吸道感染、发热、腹泻等疾病者SROL与未患病者间无明显差别。

    The SROL showed no difference in children suffering from fever and diarrhea two weeks before their blood collection compared to those without those diseases .

  12. 理论分析表明铁磁性正是起源于这些表面未补偿自旋间的Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida(RKKY)耦合作用。

    We propose that the origin of the weak ferromagnetism is due to the enhancement of Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida ( RKKY ) ferromagnetic coupling between uncompensated surface Cu2 + spins when the antiferromagnetic correlation is reduced by the finite size effect .

  13. 未考虑道间能量弥散。

    Inter - trace energy dispersion is not considered here .

  14. 它能够使未分化的间充质细胞定向分化为成骨细胞并具有形成骨组织的能力。

    They can make undifferentiated mesenchymal cells differentiate into osteoblasts and form bone tissue .

  15. 卵巢未分类性腺间质肿瘤

    Unclassified gonadal stromal tumor of ovary

  16. 结论广州未发现鼠间鼠疫,但自然疫源性疾病的流行因素仍广泛存在。

    Conclusion No plague was found in Guangzhou , but the epidemic factors of zoonoses still exist widely .

  17. 结论铜绿假单胞菌在病区内存在交叉感染的情况,但未出现病区间感染同一流行株。

    CONCLUSIONS Prevalent strain was not found in the whole hospital , but within ward exists hospital-acquired infection phenomenon .

  18. 未施行手术间各时段菌落数比较,差异无显著性意义(均P>0.05)。

    The colonies in non-operating room were not significantly different at different times ( P > 0.05 for all ) .

  19. 而湿地松和火炬松松脂总流量在受害植株和未受害植株间没有显著差异。

    Significant difference exists between attacked trees and control trees in oleoresin flow in mason pine but not in exotic pines .

  20. 背景:研究表明体外分离培养的骨髓基质细胞和未分化的间充质细胞可以分化为软骨细胞。

    BACKGROUND : Evidence from in vitro study indicates that bone marrow stromal cells and undifferentiated mesenchymal cells can different into chondrocytes .

  21. 资源约束项目计划因更接近管理实际而得到广泛应用,但目前的研究未将活动间的资源转移成本纳入优化范围内。

    Resource constrained project schedule is widely adopted because it is closer to management reality , but present research doesn t optimize active resource transfer cost .

  22. 相关研究都未考虑节点间的异构特性,本文提出一种简单的、分布式、具有间接测量节点上行带宽功能的覆盖网络拓扑自适应优化算法。

    This paper proposed an overlay topology adaptive optimization algorithm , which is simple , distributed and with the ability of measuring node upload bandwidth directly .

  23. 图像相似度的评定与图像质量评定有着密切的关系,原因在于降质图像与原始的未更改图像间的显示质量不同。

    Image similarity assessment is closely related to image quality assessment in that quality is based on the apparent differences between a degraded image and the original , unmodified image .

  24. 本芴醇单晶结构中存在分子内氢键,而未发现分子间氢键,这与以往认为产生抗疟作用的氨基醇类化合物存在分子间氢键而无分子内氢键不同。

    Benflumetol contains an intramolecular hydrogen bond between the aliphatic nitrogen and oxygen atoms , no intermolecular hydrogen bond was found , which is different from the known amino alcohol antimalarials .

  25. 但是,以往的分离理论大多未考虑颗粒间的相互作用,且对高温旋风分离器分离性能的预测偏差较大。

    But in many separation theories the effect of interactions between particles has not been considered and the prediction of the separation efficiency of high temperature cyclone separators is quite different from the actual value .

  26. 结果平均随访12个月(范围6~18),所有患者植片透明,未发现层间积液,前房深度正常,无虹膜前粘连和继发青光眼。

    Results The average follow up time was 12 ( from 6 to 18 ) months . All the grafts are clear and the intraocular pressure are normal , no double chamber and iris synechia .

  27. 不良事件观察:皮疹488%,腹泻279%,转氨酶升高116%,恶心、呕吐140%,未观察到间质性肺炎病例。

    Adverse events : rash , diarrhea , step-up of aminotransferase , nausea and vomiting were reported by 48.8 % , 27.9 % , 11.6 % and 14.0 % respectively . No interstitial lung disease was found .

  28. 用上限法研究了轴对称模锻最终阶段变形域与未变形域间边界,即所谓剪切曲面的形状。

    The analysis of upper-bound method in the study of the shearing surface , I , e , the boundary surface between the deformed and undeformed zones in the axisymmetric die forging , is presented in this paper .

  29. 分析了该方案对线性相关高斯源的率失真性能,并将分析结果与相关编码理论界及未考虑信源间相关性的编码结果作了比较。

    The rate-distortion performance of FSVQ-CEC for linear-correlated Gaussian observations is demonstrated , and is compared with the optimum performance theoretically attainable of correlated encoding and the performance by simple encoding which fails to capitalize on the correlation between sources .

  30. 伸缩函数含有若干可变参数,每个参数可产生不同的形状修改效果,比如控制被修改部分与未修改部分间的连续阶,容易得到理想的变形效果。

    Since CEF contains several variable parameters , each of which generates a different effect of shape modification such as controlling the degree of continuity of the modified part of curve with the unchanged part , ideal deformation effects can be got fairly and easily .