
  1. 目的了解攀枝花市酒依赖患者的相关因素。

    Objective To detect the relative factors for patients with alcoholic dependence .

  2. 目的:探讨中山市酒依赖、慢性酒中毒病人的心理、文化背景、生活方式的特点。

    Objective : Investigating the characteristic of psychology , family environment and living habit of the alcoholics and the chronic alcoholisms patients .

  3. 目的探讨中山市个体患酒依赖综合征的危险因素,并探讨个体饮酒损害发生的相关因素。

    Objective To discuss dangerous factors of individual patient with alcohol dependence syndrome and related factors of drinking injury .

  4. 元代酒禁包括禁酿、禁饮、禁市三方面,酒禁政策呈现出救荒性、区域性、暂时性、特权性等特点。

    The Ban included the prohibition of production , drinking and marketing , which featured by the relieved-disaster , region , privilege and temporary .

  5. 信阳市杜绝公款午餐酒局这一常见现象的活动始于一年前,当时政府成立了一个特别小组,对官员进行随机酒精测试,还邀请记者见证某些违规者遭到当场撤职。

    The Xinyang campaign to stamp out the common practice of liquor-soaked lunches paid for with state funds began a year ago when a taskforce was set up to perform random breath tests on officials , and reporters were invited to watch as some offenders were fired on the spot .