
  1. 草案规定,餐饮服务提供者诱导、误导消费者超量点餐造成明显浪费的,由市场监督管理部门给予警告,拒不改正的,处一千元以上一万元以下罚款。

    Catering service providers may face a fine ranging from 1000 yuan to 10000 yuan if they encourage or mislead consumers into ordering excessive quantities of food which causes waste , and refuse to rectify the problem after being warned by market supervision departments , according to the draft law .

  2. 农机市场监督管理亟待加强

    The Supervision Work for Agricultural Machinery Market Need to Be Strengthened

  3. 医疗市场监督管理更加困难。

    And supervision and control of the medical market will turn more difficult .

  4. 建立我国体育产业市场监督管理体制模式的研究

    Research on Establishing Supervise and Management System Model of Sports Industry Market in China

  5. 关于市场监督管理体制的建构

    Market-Administration System in China : Construction

  6. 因方老板拒绝接受罚款,市场监督管理部门同意举行公开听证会。

    When Fang refused to accept the fine , the marketing supervision administration agreed to hold a public hearing .

  7. 2020年11月,国家市场监督管理总局发布《网络平台反垄断规则(征求意见稿)》,并向社会公开征求意见。

    In November 2020 , the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the anti-monopoly draft rules for online platforms and made it open for public consultation .

  8. 依法对违反证券市场监督管理法律、行政法规的行为进行查处;

    Investigate and handle according to the law any conduct that violates the laws and administrative regulations formulated for the supervision and administration of the securities market ;

  9. (一)依法制定有关证券市场监督管理的规章、规则,并依法行使审批或者核准权;

    Formulate rules and regulations related to the supervision and administration of the securities market according to law and exercise its examination and approval power according to law ;

  10. 然后综述了国内道路客运班线的发展以及管理现状,在列举其存在的主要问题后,论文将研究重点放在道路客运班线网络布局规划、准入管理及市场监督管理。

    The main study focuses on route management in planning , market access and supervision after reviewed the domestic passenger transport routes ' development and the management of the status and cited the main issues .

  11. 国家工商行政管理总局(以下简称工商总局)是国务院主管市场监督管理和有关行政执法工作的直属机构。

    The State Administration for Industry and Commerce ( hereinafter referred to as " SAIC ") is a department directly under the State Council in charge of market supervision / regulation and administrative enforcement of law .

  12. 根据国家市场监督管理总局的一份声明,宝马(中国)汽车贸易有限公司将从10月29日起,召回自2013年7月19日至2015年6月5日期间生产的939辆进口柴油车。

    BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. will recall 939 imported diesel-powered X5 vehicles manufactured between July 19 , 2013 and June 5 , 2015 , starting from October 29 , according to a statement from the State Administration for Market Regulation .

  13. 杭州方林富糖炒板栗店的老板方林富说,1月8日当他收到这张由西湖区市场监督管理局开出的罚款单时,感到很震惊。

    Fang Linfu , boss of the Hangzhou Fanglinfu Sugar-Roasted Chestnut Store , said he was shocked when he received the fine on Jan 8 . The ticket was written by the marketing supervision administration of the city 's Xihu district .

  14. 工商行政管理机关是国家主管市场监督管理和行政执法的重要职能部门。

    The Industrial and Commercial Administration is an important department in charge of the national market supervision and management and administrative enforcement . It is monitoring the whole scope of the socialist market , including both traditional physical market , and the virtual network market .

  15. 引入引咎辞职制度。(6)现行土地行政机构行使行政监管权,而土地市场监督管理委员会行使国家调节权。

    The form of legal liabilities must be reformed to include resignation for cause system . ( 6 ) the existing land supervision and administration institutions exercises administrative supervision and regulation power , while the land market supervision and administration institutions exercise the state regulatory power .

  16. 一位名叫薛亚平的政府官员表示,这份榜单是政府加强旅游市场监督管理、提升景区及其工作人员服务状况的最新举措中的一部分,为游客在假期中创造一个良好的环境。

    The ratings are part of new efforts by the administration to strengthen supervision and management of the tourism market and to improve services offered by scenic spots and their staffs , to create a favorable environment for travelers during holidays , according to Xue Yaping , an administration official .

  17. 结论:该市全民食盐加碘干预措施对碘缺乏病防治有显著效果,进一步加强食盐市场的监督管理及健康教育是目前IDD防治工作的重点。

    More strengthening supervisory and administration for salt 's market and the health education should be key emphasis in work .

  18. 证券监管机构对证券市场的监督管理,是依法行政的重要组成部分。

    The regulatory powers of the securities regulatory authority is an important part of governmental administrative operation under law .

  19. 工商行政管理部门应当依法加强对农业机械产品市场的监督管理工作。

    The administrative department for industry and commerce shall strengthen the work for the supervision over and administration on the market of agricultural machinery products .

  20. 目的为了解蚌埠市市售调味品卫生质量,对副食品市场卫生监督管理提供科学依据。

    Objective Investigating the hygiene quality of seasoning products in Bengbu market in order to provide scientific evidence for hygiene supervision and administration for non-staple food market .

  21. 该系统的应用,能有效实现集贸市场计量监督管理的信息化、网络化、即时化和自动化,提高了集贸市场计量器具的管理水平和政府部门监督管理的效率。

    The use of this system helps effective realization of the supervision informationization , networking and automation , which averages up the market measuring management and government supervision efficiency .

  22. 建议进一步加强《保健食品管理办法》的教育,加强保健食品市场的监督管理,营造诚实信用的市场环境。

    A further strengthening of the " health food management practices ," the education , strengthen supervision and management of health food market and create a market environment of good faith .

  23. 第一百六十六条国务院证券监督管理机构依法对证券市场实行监督管理,维护证券市场秩序,保障其合法运行。

    Article 166 . The State Council 's securities regulatory body shall supervise and administer the securities market according to law , maintain order in the market , and ensure the market operates in a lawful manner .

  24. 依法加强对医疗服务市场的监督管理,将医疗机构管理纳入法制化轨道,是按照依法治国的方略,在我国实现可持续发展战略,提高执政能力的必然要求。

    To strengthen the supervision and management of the medical market , hospital management into legal track , is in accordance with the ruling of the strategy , building a harmonious socialist society , realize sustainable development strategies , improving administrative capacity building requirement .

  25. 结合成都市城乡道路客运的实际提出了实现城乡道路客运一体化发展的政策措施,重点应构筑一体化的管理体制,加强农村客运基础设施的建设、加强城乡道路客运规划、加强市场监督与管理。

    On the basis of the urban-rural RPT actuality in Chengdu city , it presents the policy measures to realize integrated urban-rural RPT development . It emphasizes particularly the integrated administration system and the reinforcement of rural passenger transport infrastructure , the urban-rural RPT programming and the market supervision .

  26. 证券监管体系是国家对证券市场实施监督和管理的措施和法律制度的总和。

    Securities supervisory system comprises both country implement supervision and measure and legal institutions to security market .

  27. 因此,政府也要入世,这就要求政府的行政管理理念、体制、方式都要进行深刻的变革,以充分发挥政府的经济调节、市场监督、社会管理、公共服务等职能。

    So government should join WTO , these ask transform sense of administration , system , way , play economic adjustment , control of market , society management , public service of government .

  28. 同时,政府有关部门应加强对建筑市场的监督与管理,确保目前制定的各项规章能够贯彻执行,提高各级管理水平。

    The relevant government departments should strengthen supervision and management of the construction market , ensure that the current formulation of the rules and regulations to implement and improve all levels of management .

  29. 在此基础上,对中国资产证券化的发展,从规划立法、会计处理、基础工程建设、市场建设和监督管理等五个方面,提出了自己的政策建议。

    Based on that , this thesis puts forward its own policy proposal to the development of Chinese asset securitization from five aspects , programming legislation , accounting handling , basic project construction , market construction , supervision and management .

  30. 第四,加强对市场竞争秩序的监督管理。

    Fourthly , the supervision of market orders will be strengthened .