
  1. 目的了解深圳市易感人群生殖道人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染及分布情况。

    OBJECTIVE To understand the situation of HPV infection of ingenitals in susceptible person in Shenzhen .

  2. 王安石市易法与政府购买制度

    Shi Yi Fa Proposed by Wang Anshi and the System of Government Purchasing

  3. 昆明市易制毒化学品管理现状与对策研究

    Kunming Precursor Chemicals Management Status and Countermeasures

  4. 佛山市易天商贸有限公司是一家管理完善,规模庞大的代理采购公司。

    Ltd is a large and well-managed servicing company , which can purchase and order products according to customers'requirements .

  5. 广州市易捷展览制品有限公司主要从事展览展示器材的研发,生产,销售,服务为一体专业性公司。

    Guangzhou Easy Display Material CO. , LTD is a professional enterprise , Specializing in research , production , Sales and service .

  6. 结买、结籴是市易务官吏或由市易务招募商人,承办政府上供采买和购置沿边军粮的制度。

    Undertaking purchasing and purchasing grain is the system of trade department to buy commodity for upper government and grain for the military in the border areas .

  7. 商业信用借贷几乎都是按照普通债务纠纷来处理,其中市易法、不断修订和变化的茶法、盐法和酒法等专卖法是对商业信用律法的有益补充。

    Commercial credit was handled almost in accordance with the ordinary debt disputes , wherein the market exchange law , monopoly law of tea , salt and wine were useful complement to the Credit law .

  8. DRASTIC指标体系法在大连市地下水易污性评价中的应用

    Study of application of DRASTIC index to assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution of Dalian city

  9. 岳阳市地基易发事故及对策分析

    An Analysis on the Foundation Soil Easily-happening Accidents and the Countermeasure

  10. 公司在1979年成立于新西兰的易瓦卡哥市,易瓦卡哥是离南极最近的一个城市。

    Deep South Ltd started ice cream in Invercargill that is located on South Island of New Zealand nearest to South Pot in1979 .

  11. 深圳市缺水易涝的水情决定了水务基础设施在深圳城市发展中占有相当重要的地位。

    The water resource infrastructure in Shenzhen is playing an enormously important role in the urban development due to water lacking and easy to floods .

  12. 易制毒化学品管理要适应当前禁毒斗争形势,目前昆明市对易制毒化学品管理的机制和模式在昆明本土较为适宜。

    Precursor chemicals manage to adapt to current situation , kunming anti-drug struggle of precursor chemicals management mechanism and mode in kunming local is relatively appropriate .

  13. 芜湖市酸雨易发期为4、5、6三个月份,在秋、冬季节相对缓和。

    The acid rain almost concentrates in the months of April , May and June in Wuhu city , and it 's rare in the seasons of autumn and winter .

  14. 深圳市肺结核病易患影响因素的调查研究

    Risk Factor on Susceptibility of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Shenzhen

  15. 浙江省龙泉市地质灾害易发区划分分析

    LongQuan city geological disaster easy happen area analyses by the zone division in zhejiang province

  16. 新市少有规矩天前去访谒皆市贫仄易远,得到了他们的一些好感。(名次勃换成副词)

    The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the city poor .

  17. 湖南省长沙市地质灾害易发区划与防治重点研究

    The zoning and main preventive measures for the regions of susceptible geological hazard in Changsha city , hunan Province

  18. 联合国教科文组织官员曾建议该市修建穿越易北河底的隧道,而不是跨河大桥。

    Officials at UNESCO had suggested the authorities should build a tunnel under the River Elbe instead of the bridge .

  19. 直正准备将内每天域、北部及接远印度的西部皆市市仄易远转移到“鬼镇”中去。

    China is preparing to relocate its citizens to its new ghost cities from the coast and from the southern and western provinces near India .

  20. 绵阳市地质灾害易发性评价应用证明,该方法比较合理、有效,具有较高的预测精度,评价结果与实际地质灾害发育区的拟合率大于90%。

    The approach is triumphantly applied in geological hazard evaluation of probability of occurrence in MianYang city , the result indicates that the method is reasonable and effective . At the same time , the evaluation result has upper precision and greater fitting degree than 90 percent .

  21. 像除夜多数人一样,我义踪了许多钱,也经历了窘蹙准备便进市的新足易免碰到的起降。

    Like many others , I lost thousands of dollars and experienced the usual ups and downs incidental to the novice who enters the market without preparatory knowledge of the subject .

  22. 经过取样分析,对荆州市郊区蔬菜基地易受重金属和砷污染的芹菜和菠菜的污染状况进行了研究。

    Through taking samples for analysis , the pollution conditions of celery and spinach , which are vulnerable to heavy matal and As pollution , were studied in Jingzhou suburban vegetable bases .

  23. 统计分析结果表明唐山市道路交通事故易发路段在城市主干道上,发生事故比较集中的路段是居民密集、交通拥挤的繁华路段;按事故形态分析看,侧面相撞的交通事故占了极高比例。

    The statistical analysis results indicated that the Tangshan traffic accident was easy to occur in the urban main road section and the traffic accident of the side bumping has accounted for the extremely high proportion in accident model .