
cí háng xiàng
  • magnetic heading;magnetic course
磁航向[cí háng xiàng]
  1. Kalman滤波技术在磁航向和捷联惯性组合系统初始对准中的应用

    Application of Kalman Filtering to Alignment of Magnetic Heading and Strapdown inertial integrated System

  2. 针对气压高度和GPS高度、DMC磁航向和GPS航向误差特性互补的特点,分别研究了组合高度和组合航向的数据融合技术。

    According to the complementary error characteristics between barometric altitude and GPS altitude , magnetic heading of DMC and GPS heading , the data fusion technology of integrated altitude sensors and integrated heading sensors are investigated respectively .

  3. 本文研究了一种基于FPGA的磁航向测量系统,用FPGA解算磁航向,具有解算速度快、抗干扰能力强的特点。本文研究内容是航向解算专用集成电路的前期工作。

    This paper studies a kind of MHMS which uses FPGA to compute the heading of UAV . It has higher computing speed and good anti-jamming property .

  4. 另外,本文设计了光电编码器和磁航向传感器测量电路,建立激光雷达和上位PC通讯过程,满足了结构化环境中机器人自定位/导航的硬件要求。

    In addition , this paper designed photo electricity encoder sensor and magnetism course sensor measure circuit , and set up the laser measure system to communicate with the PC.

  5. 基于飞行导航控制的先验知识,对DGPS、磁航向计、大气数据计算机等飞行导航传感器获取的飞行状态信息进行综合处理,实现了组合导航控制。

    Based on the prior knowledge of flight navigation control , a combined navigation system is achieved by integration of DGPS , magnetometer and atmosphere data computer .

  6. 在组合导航计算机上集成了固态的加速度计、角速率传感器、磁航向计、大气机和GPS接收机等5个必须的传感器部件,并安装了R/C接收机和脉位调制(PPM)航模舵机接口。

    A solid integration of the accelerometers , angular rate sensors , magnetic heading of the atmosphere and a GPS receiver , and the R / C receiver pulse-modulation ( PPM ) Model aircraft steering gear interface .

  7. 虽然飞机已遭严重烧伤但还是检查了左右HSI指示器,提供了以下信息:都显示磁航向为225度。

    The left and right HSI indicators were examined and , although heavily fire-damaged , provided the following information : Both were showing a magnetic heading of225 degrees .

  8. 改进的MVR-CORDIC算法在磁航向测量中的应用

    Application of Modified MVR-CORDIC in Magnetic Heading Measurement

  9. 介绍了前馈神经网络的特点和基于递推预报误差(RPE)的训练算法,利用前馈神经网络对某航向同步传输系统的磁航向误差进行了校正,并给出了实验结果。

    The characteristic of the feed forward neural network and training algorithm based on the recursive prediction error are introduced . The magnetic course error of a certain course synchronous transmission system is revised by use of the feed forward neural network and the experimental result is given .

  10. 磁航向传感器V2XG利用“磁感法”测量地磁航向,有成本低、易集成等特点。

    Magnetic heading sensor V2XG , which senses magnet field with two magneto-inductive sensors , is inexpensive and is easy to integrated into other system .

  11. 通过DCA的原理分析和证明得出:该算法对具有恒定横滚角度和俯仰角度的磁航向罗差修正均有效,经过DCA补偿的磁航向角度误差在±0.3°以内,满足飞机的航向标定要求。

    The introduction and the analysis of DCA theory indicate that DCA is very useful for compensation with both constant pitch and roll angles , and the DCA modified error of magnetic heading is restricted within ± 0.3 ° which can satisfy the heading calibration requirement of the plane .

  12. HPR-1型固态航姿系统是本课题为某对象机研制的模块化智能磁航向系统。

    HPR-1 solid magnetic heading measuring system is just researched and developed out in such background . It is a modularized intelligent magnetic heading system for an object plane .

  13. 基于人工神经网络的磁航向误差校正方法

    Error Revising Method for Magnetic Course Based on Artificial Neural Network

  14. 三轴磁航向传感器的全姿态误差补偿

    All status error compensation about three axis magnetic heading sensor

  15. 磁航向测量系统误差修正方法研究

    Study of Error Compensation Method for Magnetic Heading Measurement System

  16. 磁航向传感器在无人机飞行控制系统中的应用

    Application of magnetic heading sensor in UAV flight control system

  17. 无人机磁航向测量的自动罗差补偿研究

    Study on Automatic Magnetic Deviation Compensation of Magnetic Heading Measurement for UAV

  18. 在磁航向传感器中,两线制数字信号的传输是极为关键的技术。

    Two-wire operation digital signal is the key in magnetic heading sensor .

  19. 具有自动误差补偿功能的智能磁航向系统

    Intelligent magnetic heading system with automatic error compensation function

  20. 基于传感器零值输出的旋转弹丸磁航向测量方法

    Magnetic Heading Measurement for Spinning Projectile Based on the Zero Output of Sensor

  21. 磁航向传感器两线制数字信号传输的研究

    Research on the Transmission of Two-wire Operation Digital Signal of Magnetic Heading Sensor

  22. 智能磁航向传感器的研制及误差补偿算法分析

    Development of intelligent magnetic heading sensor and analysis of its error compensation algorithms

  23. 磁航向传感器使用中的误差补偿

    The Error Compensation About Magnetic Heading Sensor in Using

  24. 模块化智能磁航向系统的研究

    Research on the Modularized Intelligent Magnetic Heading System

  25. ITS载体磁航向测试技术研究承运人识别的法律问题

    Research on ITS Carrier Magnetic Heading Test Technology

  26. 一种数字磁航向系统的设计及罗差校正新方法

    A Design of Digital Magnetic Heading System and a New Method of Compass Compensation

  27. 磁航向计在导航中的应用研究及其误差补偿与修正

    Research of application and error compensate and correct for magnetic sensor used in navigation system

  28. 设计并研制了一种高精度的数字磁航向系统。

    This paper presents the design principle of a kind of high accuracy digital magnetic heading measure system .

  29. 剖析了磁阻式罗盘的工作机理,并给出了磁航向角的计算方法。

    The work mechanism of the magnetoresistive compass has been presented and the method for calculating magnetic heading angle has been given .

  30. 磁航向,修正了磁偏转但未修正磁变,也就是相对于地球的北磁极的航向。

    Magnetic heading , the compass heading corrected for magnetic deviation but not magnetic variation ; thus , the heading relative to magnetic north .