
qīng lóu
  • brothel;mansion
青楼 [qīng lóu]
  • (1) [brothel]∶妓女被指定居住和卖淫的场所

  • 青楼梦好。--宋. 姜夔《扬州慢》

  • (2) [mansion]∶指显贵人家的精致楼房

青楼[qīng lóu]
  1. 青楼小说是他创作中的主要类型。

    His brothel creation is a main type of his works .

  2. “赢得青楼薄幸名”新解

    Re-explain " winning the reputation of inconstant in love in a brothel "

  3. 十年一觉扬州梦,赢得青楼薄幸名。(杜牧《遣怀》)

    Waking up from my ten-year dream in yangzhou ,| I 've won the name of a fickle man among the pleasure quarters .

  4. 青楼妓馆的墙壁-妓女的心声。

    Wall of brothel , which is the heartfelt whishes of whore .

  5. 青楼是中国历史的特殊文化现象。

    " Qinglou " is a special Chinese cultural phenomenon .

  6. 它首度揭开了青楼风月的迷人画皮,暴露出妓院娼肆的阴暗。

    It has exposed the brothel dark side for the first time .

  7. 唐代青楼题材小说众多,成就突出。

    There are many brothel novels in Tang Dynasty and they achieve great success .

  8. 第三,对闺秀词和青楼词做比较。

    Third , makes the comparison to the demure word and the brothel word .

  9. 晚清青楼小说的传播与南方文化

    Spreading of novels on brothels in the late Qing dynasty and the Southern culture

  10. 关键词:民国时期;南宁青楼业;病态现象。

    Key words : In Republic Period ; Prostitute system of NanNing ; Abnormal phenomenon .

  11. 从古代青楼环境看青楼女子的生活状态

    The Living Conditions of Women in Brothel from the Perspective of Brothel Environment in Ancient China

  12. 在这里,人们聚集于戏院、饭馆、商铺及青楼。

    Here , people flocked to the theaters , the restaurants , the shops and the brothels .

  13. 《青楼集》所见元杂剧史的几个问题

    Some problems of the Zaju play history in the Yuan Dynasty seen from The Volume of Whorehouse

  14. 从诗学角度上讲,青楼文学研究无疑具有举足轻重的地位。

    From the perspective of poetics , research on green mansion literature plays a very important role .

  15. 最后,本文将上海的青楼演剧和茶园演剧进行比较分析,发觉其异同之处。

    At last , I will compare the difference between Histrionism in bawdyhouse and it in the teagarden .

  16. 而丰田章男就像青楼里的乐师&替人助兴,但对企业而言并非不可或缺。

    Akio is like the piano player in the brothel : entertaining , but hardly essential to the enterprise .

  17. 20世纪上海现代性的发展影响了文学中的日常生活书写。清末民初,上海的传统娱乐业和西式娱乐业相结合,青楼白话小说展示了这一场景;

    The development of modernity in Shanghai in the 20th century produces effects on the daily life writings in literature .

  18. 到了晚清,此类青楼文学在数量和篇幅上都有惊人增长。

    To the latter Qing dynasty , this kind of brothel literature had the astonishing growth in quantity and the length .

  19. 在这种新型的商业都市文化中,扬州的青楼风月文化,最具魅力的内容及标志之一。

    In this kind of new business culture , the bawdy flirting culture is one of the most magical contents and signs .

  20. 当然,由于青楼文学的影响,元杂剧的部分妇女形象也有失真、庸俗的一面。

    Of course , due to the influence of the brothel literature , these women images of the Yuan Opera are sometimes distorted and vulgarized .

  21. 清代后期小说的这种地域文化特征在中国古典小说的演进历程中是独特的,从清代后期青楼小说叙事风格的地域化与传播走向、接受群体审美心理结构的地域化;

    Such kind of regional cultural characteristic of the novels in the late Qing Dynasty is unique in the developing course of Chinese classical novels .

  22. 这些拉比、骗子、青楼女子、落魄的知识分子、傻瓜、理性主义者、宿命论者以及无神论者常被(魔鬼、妄想等)迷住心窍。他们是边缘的,神秘的,甚至是远离尘世的。

    These rabbis , charlatans , whores , sorehead intellectuals , simpletons , rationalists , fatalists and atheists are obsessed , marginal , mysterious and even unworldly .

  23. 从踏入青楼的门槛起,她们就成了男人们寻欢作乐的工具,人格和尊严任人践踏。

    The threshold of the brothel owners from stepped up the patriarchal society , they became the tool of men , personality and inviting be trampled dignity .

  24. 青楼女子、女学生、报刊杂志以及其它娱乐文化是引导近代女子服装发展潮流的主体因素。

    Prostitutes , schoolgirls , periodicals and other show businesses are some dominant factors influencing the trend of development of women ′ s wear in modern China .

  25. 而以往由于影视作品的过度渲染,人们更多关注的是她的传奇人生和所谓的青楼生涯,对其作品知之甚少。

    The film works because over the past renders people more concerned about her legendary life and so-called " brothel life ," little is known about his work .

  26. 狭邪小说与中国古代的青楼剧都是对妓女的情感、人生和命运进行关注的叙事性文本。

    Xiaxie novels and dramas about prositute in classical literature of china are narrative texts which concern the emotion , the life and the fate of the prositute .

  27. 这种经过漫长积累,有着很强的群众基础的根深蒂固的歧视,最让青楼女子敏感。

    This idea had become a discrimination through long period of time and had taken root deeply in ancient people 's mind , which was extremely sensitive to brothel girls , too .

  28. 明代青楼女艺人作为一个演绎音乐的重要群体,她们具有音乐受益者与传播者的双重身份,对明代音乐发展作出了巨大贡献。

    The prostitutes , as the important musical performance colony , who have the reduplicative status of beneficiary and disseminator , have devised a great contribution to the music development in the Ming dynasty .

  29. 该文结合诗人人生阅历,透过表层分析,认为赢得青楼薄幸名是赢得青楼有情之意。但她从未放弃对亲人的爱和对人生持有的坚定信念,内心始终充满了爱与宽恕。

    However , I think the poet 's original meaning of brothel is full of love . Full of love and forgiveness , she never abandons love for her beloved ones and has firm faith in life .

  30. 三种形象分别代表了作者创作理念、书写角度以及书写目的的不同,也呈现了新世纪底层文学中新‘青楼’女性的丰富性。

    The author of three images representing the creative concept , the purpose of writing and writing different point of view , but also presents new century literature in the bottom of thenew ' Brothel ' woman , the rich .