
  1. 通过文献资料法和临场技术统计法,对2003年全国青少年网球排名赛第三、四站U-12女子单打比赛,分别从发球情况、得分方式、相持能力三方面进行临场统计。

    The author investigated the technical situation of serve , score means , stalemate capability on live indexes of U-12 female singles in nation wide young boys and girls competition put in order by tennis .

  2. 关于中国青少年网球运动员训练的几点思考

    Several Thoughts about the Training of China 's Adolescent Tennis Athletes

  3. 关于平衡训练在青少年网球训练课中安排的实验研究

    Experimental Research of Lesson Arrangement of Blance Training in Junior Tennis Training

  4. 对我国青少年网球运动员发球技术的调查研究

    Research on Serve Technique of Chinese Young Tennis Players

  5. 青少年网球运动员多球训练运动强度的探讨

    On the Intensity of Teenager Tennis Players'Many Balls Training

  6. 青少年网球运动员如何预防网球运动中的损伤

    Ways to Prevent Tennis Sports Injuries for Teenager Players

  7. 2003年全国青少年网球集训队运动员身体机能调查

    Investigation on Body Function of Country Youth Tennis Athletes during Training Drills in 2003

  8. 探索青少年网球运动的多种培养方式。

    Explore variety modes of tennis training .

  9. 辽宁省青少年网球业余训练的现状调查及对策研究

    Investigation and Countermeasures on the Current Condition of Junior Amateur Tennis Training in Liaoning Province

  10. 通过对青少年网球培养方面的研究归纳后发现:(1)在实证方面,缺乏全面系统的青少年网球运动员培养的调研。

    Lack of the empirical and comprehensive system research of teenagers tennis player cultivation ; 2 .

  11. 没有设立专门负责青少年网球人口发展和储备后备人才的机构。

    No set up specifically responsible for junior tennis population development and reserve reserve talent agency .

  12. 广东省青少年网球运动现状与发展策略研究

    Investigation Analysis on Current Condition and Developing Countermeasure of the Teenage Tennis Sport of Guangdong Province

  13. 对参加欧洲四国五站比赛的中国青少年网球运动员竞技能力的分析

    A Study about Athletics Ability of the Junior Tennis Athletes Who Join the Circuit of Europe

  14. 我国青少年网球运动员大力发球技术的三维运动学分析

    The Three-dimensional Kinematic Analysis of the Power Serve Technique of the Young Tennis Players in Our Country

  15. 两个国家的顶尖网球明星将出现在一个小时的球迷友好网球活动中,其中还包括塞尔维亚和中国的青少年网球选手。

    Both countries top tennis stars will appear in a one-hour fan friendly tennis activity that will include Serbian & Chinese junior tennis players .

  16. 福建省青少年网球运动员发球技术的现状分析自我监控对青少年网球运动员动作形成的影响

    On the Serves of Fujian Junior Tennis Players ; Analysis of the Role of the Self-supervision for the Young Tennis Male Players ' Skills

  17. 中国网球协会官方项目青少年网球发展项目及大学项目也将在新的一年中为更多网球爱好者们带来新契机;

    CTA junior , school and university programs continue to be recognized as the best in China and are offering new opportunities for future generations .

  18. 山东省青少年网球运动员参加比赛次数较少,缺乏比赛经验特别是大型比赛经验。

    Shandong province adolescent tennis athletes participate in the competition and less frequently , lack of competition experience especially the experience of major sports events .

  19. 本文通过文献资料法和调查法,对大连市青少年网球后备人才的培养现状及制约其发展的主要因素进行了调查分析。

    This article through the literature material method and investigation method to Dalian youth tennis the development of supportive talents present situation and the main limiting factors was investigated .

  20. ⑹洛阳市青少年网球教练员缺乏专业化的培养和再教育,需要增强与全国网球发展较好省市的优秀教练员互动和交流学习。

    ⑹ Luoyang teenagers to the cultivation of the lack of professional tennis coaches and re-education , they need to learn the excellent coaches of well provinces with interaction and exchange .

  21. 了解了大连市青少年网球运动员文化教育现状,对其影响因素进行分析,发现存在问题,并给出相应的对策。

    To understand the adolescent tennis athletes in dalian culture education present situation , to analyze its influencing factors , found that there is a problem , and gives corresponding countermeasures .

  22. 这是明日之星青少年网球发展项目的一个伟大的胜利,作为该项目的国际教练乔·麦卡锡,正是斯托瑟以前的教练。

    This was a thrilling triumph for Mercedes-Benz " Swing for the Stars " children as Coach Joe McCarthy ," SFS " international coach , is Stosur 's former training coach .

  23. 本文研究目的为了解青少年网球运动员成就目标取向和自我妨碍的现状和特点,并进一步探讨他们与运动成绩的关系。

    Objective : To understand the adolescent tennis players ' status and characteristics of achievement goal orientation and self-handicapping , and to explore further the relationship between them and their athletic performance .

  24. 梅赛德斯-奔驰“明日之星”青少年网球训练营此次踏入古城西安,受到众多小选手和教练的欢迎,因此主办方不得不临时扩充训练营名额。

    Mercedes-Benz " Swing for the Stars " rolled into the ancient city for the first time and attracted fantastic interest forcing organizers to expand enrollment in both the player & coach sections .

  25. 经研究得出以下结论:(1)西安市青少年网球的发展并没有得到政府或者有关部门的高度重视,投资力度和宣传力度不够。

    The conclusions as follows : ( 1 ) Xi ' an City junior tennis development did not get the government or the relevant departments attach great importance , investment and the lack of publicity .

  26. 美国网球联合会高级教练、新英格兰网球学院院长杰夫·贝勒普将连续第五年担任“明日之星”青少年网球发展项目的国际总教练。

    Coach Jeff Bearup , USTA High Performance coach director of the New England Academy of Tennis ( NEAOT ), will return for his fifth year as the " SFS " top coaching consultant practitioner .

  27. 成长在中国金花郑洁和晏紫家乡成都的青少年网球选手们从小就明白只有靠不懈的努力和拼搏才能在赛场上赢得胜利这个道理。

    Young tennis players growing up in Chengdu , the home to China 's " Spice Girls " Zheng Jie & Yan Zi , are provided with constant inspiration and reminders that hard work can lead to great accomplishments .

  28. 文章研究的目的在于调查青少年网球运动员应激、自尊和运动倦怠之间的关系,希望能够提供更多的知识,对运动倦怠进行有效的监控、干预和管理。

    The objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between stress , self-esteem and exercise burnout and other factors of the young tennis players , and hoping to provide more knowledge to monitor , intervent and manage the exercise burnout effective .

  29. 虽然在很多项目上水平已经处于世界领先位置,但网球这个项目的发展还是处于相对落后的状态。引起这种现状的原因是多方面的,其中青少年网球运动员的训练培养成为关键因素。

    Although some project has been in a leading position in the world , but the development of tennis project is relatively backward , the reasons cause this kind of present situation is various , but the training of young tennis athletes is the key factor .

  30. 我国青少年男子网球运动员腰部损伤现状调查分析

    Investigation on the Status of Chinese Elite Men Tennis Players ' Waist Injuries