
  • 网络service game
  1. 这位白俄罗斯人总是能控制住自己的发球局,看来他距离总决赛不远了。

    Always in control of his service game the man from Belarus wasn 't far away from the final .

  2. 她在第一盘自己的发球局仅失了3分。

    She conceded just three points on her service during the first set .

  3. 他破了麦肯罗的发球局。

    He broke McEnroe 's serve .

  4. ATP网球大师赛男单决赛在上海闵行区旗忠网球中心举行,在首盘比赛中,面对赛会三号种子选手费雷尔,卫冕冠军率先破掉对手的发球局,但随后由于失误过多又遭到对方反破发。

    The defending champion broke the third-seeded Ferrer in the first game but a catalogue of errors then undermined his hard work at the Qi Zhong Tennis Center in suburban Minhang District .

  5. 因此,自第二轮取得对阵阿格涅什卡·拉德万斯卡(AgnieszkaRadwanska)的胜利以来,她已连赢36个发球局。

    She did not lose her serve against Bencic and has won 36 straight service games , stretching back to her second-round victory over Agnieszka Radwanska .

  6. 我丢的发球局是逆风的。

    The game in which I lost my serve was against wind .

  7. 很难破他发球局,他很自信。

    It was tough to break him , he is very confident .

  8. 麦肯罗还有赢对方发球局的一个优势分。

    McEnroe still has one break of serve .

  9. 费德勒利用桑普拉斯的失误破了桑普拉斯的发球局并以6-4赢了第一局。

    Federer took advantage of those to break Sampras'serve and take the first set6-4 .

  10. 因此,在第二盘中我们的发球局被过早的打破,这是整个比赛中的改变。

    So the early break in the second , that is what changed all the games .

  11. 卫冕冠军第二盘的发球局保得很轻松。

    The defending champion did not struggle on any of his service games in the second set .

  12. 拿下第一盘之后,李娜在第二盘破发对手一个发球局。

    After serving out the first set , Li broke in the opening game of the second set .

  13. 卡纳斯在两盘都破费德勒两次发球局,第二盘自己还没被破发球局。

    Canas broke Federer 's serve twice in each set and didn 't face a break point in the second .

  14. 5在接发球局里应该保证接发稳定性的基础上提高接发球质量。

    Fifth , in receiving situation , players should improve the receiving quality on the basis of ensuring the stability of the receiving .

  15. 贝克尔在第六局也浪费了五次破掉对方发球局的机会,之后,他再也没有机会突破这位南非选手的发球局。

    Backer had also wasted five break points in the sixth game and he was never able to break the South African 's serve .

  16. 这场比赛的第二盘,罗迪克在自己的五个发球局中只丢了两分,在4-3时拿到了这场比赛的第一个破发机会。

    Roddick dropped only two points in five service games in the second set , getting the first break of the match for a4-3 edge .

  17. 美国队开场在加赛中以7比6获胜,之后一鼓作气,在第二场公开赛中打破了俄罗斯队的发球局。

    Team USA won the opening set7-6 in a tie-breaker , then built on that momentum by breaking russia 's serve in the opening game of the second set .

  18. 网球比赛分为发球局和接发球局,运动员都力争保住自己的发球局和破掉对方的发球局为目标。

    Tennis Competition is divided into serve and receive , and all players exert every effort to hold the self-serve and break the opponents ' serve as a target .

  19. 当时小德在发球局以5-6落后,他用力地把球打向场地后面,不慎击中了一名女边裁的喉咙。

    Having dropped serve to trail 5-6 , Djokovic swatted a ball hard to the back of the court , inadvertently striking a female line judge in her throat .

  20. 除了打高慢球之外,费德勒赢了第二盘的第二个发球局。尽管比赛中没有惊心动魄的场面,但比赛打得十分激烈。

    Apart from three successive lobs that Federer served up to his opponent in the second game of the second set , the game was a competitive , though light-hearted affair .

  21. 相对应,接发球方为了赢得整场比赛的胜利,不仅要保住自己的发球局,还要掌握对手发球的特点,从而破掉对手的发球局,争取每一分的胜利。

    Correspondingly , the receiver in order to win the victory of the game , not only protect his own serve but also grasp the characteristics of opponents serve to break it .

  22. 布莱恩兄弟在比赛中从未丢过他们的发球局并在俄罗斯获得发球局之前以6-4获得了第二盘的胜利,在最后一局中他们以6-2获胜。

    The Bryans never lost their serve during the match and went on to win the second set , 6-4 , before breaking the Russians twice and winning the final set , 6-2 .

  23. 在第一盘比赛中,李娜以3-0领先,尽管莎拉波娃曾在李娜的发球局中领先两个破发点,但李娜顽强的扳回了比分,并战胜了莎拉波娃,留下了对手在风中凌乱。

    In the first set , Li raced into a3-0 lead and oke three times as Sharapova , who took two games off the Chinese player 's serve , struggled for rhythm in the wind .

  24. 男子网球单打比赛发球与发球局得、失分的研究(土场)

    A Study on the Service and Service set Scoring in Tennis Matches of Men 's Singles ( Earth Court )

  25. 在盘末关键分的争夺中,马卡洛娃曾在第十一局破发后获得发球胜盘局的机会,但莎娃关键时刻再次显示霸气,取得回破后最终在抢七中以7-3笑到了最后。

    The second set was tied at 6-6 when Markarova began to miss her shots . She eventually fell 7-3 in the tiebreak , Sharapova marches on .

  26. 尽管马卡洛娃依靠犀利的防守反击以及莎娃的双误破掉了对手的发球胜盘局,但莎娃还是在关键的第十局再度破发得手,把首盘的比分定格在6-4。

    The 24-year-old also took advantage on Makarova 's weakness from the backhand side . Sharapova took charge midway through the first set , and she finished it with a 6-4 count .

  27. 某人有发球权的一局邮局新开设了一个分局。

    Game in which sb serves The postoffice is opening up a new branch .

  28. 加登发球输了第一局,但在第二局对方发球时他又捞回来了。

    Garden lost the first game on his service but broke back and won the second game .

  29. 破发球:在对方发球局获胜。

    Break serve : to win a game which the opponent served .

  30. 我国2008年奥运会网球裁判员队伍状况分析网球运动中发球一方输掉的发球局。

    Research on Tennis-ball Umpires of 2008 Olympic Games in China ( tennis ) a score consisting of winning a game when your opponent was serving .