
lǎo máo bing
  • old weakness;old trouble;chronic ailment;inveterate habit
老毛病 [lǎo máo bìng]
  • (1) [chronic ailment]∶经常犯的病

  • 这是我的老毛病,一到冬天就咳嗽

  • (2) [old weakness;invetrate habit;old trouble]∶经常出现的缺点

  • 粗心大意是他的老毛病

老毛病[lǎo máo bing]
  1. 你又犯老毛病了:匆匆下结论。

    There you go again ─ jumping to conclusions .

  2. 我又犯老毛病了,冒冒失失地就下结论。

    There I go again ─ jumping to conclusions .

  3. 尽管我非常希望把这归罪与其他原因,但我最终还是不得不承认,我的坏习惯与新时代的技术没有太大关系,而是更多归因与拖延的老毛病。

    Though I desperately wanted to lay blame elsewhere , I finally had to admit that my bad habits had less to do with new-age technology and more to do with old-fashioned procrastination .

  4. 不,不,不。我又犯老毛病了。

    No no no. I did it again .

  5. 他那老毛病还没好啊?

    So he 's still doing that ?

  6. 瞥了一眼飞快地瞥了一下陷入了他很快又犯老毛病了。

    glanced over flashed to lapsed back into He soon lapsed back into his old ways .

  7. 月初又开始财务结帐的时间,好忙,老毛病又常犯,计划周末去做按摩。

    Beginning of the month starts the financial closing time , It 's very busy , old malady habitual criminal , the plan weekend makes the massage .

  8. 这辆车他妈的老出毛病。

    Sod this car ! It 's always breaking down .

  9. 我刚开始驾驶游艇航行时,艇上的汽油发动机老出毛病。

    I first started cruising in yachts with temperamental petrol engines

  10. 我们的新洗衣机老出毛病&完全是因为做的质量太差。

    Our new washing-machine keeps breaking down it 's entirely due to shoddy workmanship .

  11. 他终于设法修好了老出毛病的发动机,然后上路了。

    He finally managed to shake down the troublesome motor and get on his way .