
lǎo tǐ
  • senile
  1. 那些毛绒拖鞋或最喜欢的老体恤衫也一样。

    So are fuzzy slippers or your favorite old T-shirt .

  2. 前者主要是成体(包括老体)雄鼠的迁移,后者迁移主体是亚成体鼠。

    The former is migration of adult and elder males mainly . The latter is migration of subadults mainly .

  3. 在治疗时一方面要考虑到人老体虚,应适当补肾益脾,用药要平和,攻逐需要度,化气利水,恢复膀胱正常功能。

    In treating the disease , taking the weak physique of old people into consideration we should strengthen the kidney and water circulation to restore the normal functions of urinary bladder .

  4. 该鼠句个体生长主要表现为体重增加,从幼体到成体平均体重增长37.4%,田间成体鼠句所占比例为57.3%、幼体鼠句占38.7%,老体鼠句仅占4.1%。

    The average weight from larva to adult increases by 37.4 % . The number of adult in field generally amounts to 57.2 % , larva 38.7 % , while the old only 4.1 % .

  5. 认为这些地震是由清江隔河岩水库第一阶段前期蓄水老滑坡体重新活动引起的,属滑坡型水库地震。

    Thus , the earthquakes are of reservoir-induced landslide type .

  6. 高边坡老坍塌体和斜坡滑坡的破坏模式;

    The failure mode of the peak acontaining skew trees fallows big landslip .

  7. 梁桥经过拓宽改建,形成了新、老梁体拼接的组合桥。

    When girder bridge is widened , a combined bridge is formed consisting of both new and old girders .

  8. 奉节县向家淌滑坡是一个由碎裂岩体构成的岩质滑坡,由老滑坡体和其上的次级滑坡体构成。

    Xiangjiatang landslide in Fengjie is a rocky landside made up of a smashed rock mass , constituted by old landslide and its secondary landslides .

  9. 老滑坡体具有多组剪切裂隙和风化裂隙,前缘受河水冲刷形成有效临空面。

    There are multiple sets of shear fissures and weathering fissures in the old landslide body with an effective freeing surface formed from the washed front .

  10. 奉节县平皋乡花乐村滑坡位于平皋乡高店村,是在老滑坡体上多次复活的具有两级滑面的大型基岩滑坡。

    The Hualecun Landslide in Gaodian Village , Pinggao Township , Fengjie County is a large-scale landslide lying on an old landslide body and with two-level sliding faces .

  11. 滑体物质组成包括上部为残坡积粘土夹碎石和老滑坡堆积体、下部为沙镇溪组泥质粉砂岩两部分,沿基岩软层顺层下滑。

    The landslide is translational along the declining interbeded shale layer , consisted of the old sliding and falling accumulation in the upper and the bedrock on the bottom .

  12. 他们有一个身份——新老雷霆的混合体。

    They had an identity - a mix of new Thunder and old Thunder .

  13. 在任何一个给定点,架构都将是新老风格的混合体。

    At any given point , the architecture will be a mixture of the old and new architectural styles .

  14. 方法整理分析了1988~1998年济宁市1538名离退休老干部的查体资料,进行了流行病学分析研究。

    Methods The physical examination materials of 1538 retired cadres during 1988 to 1998 in Jining were given an epidemiology study .

  15. 方法采用问卷调查法对老干部的卫生保健需求进行调查分析,依据2005年军队离退休老干部健康查体资料数据,探讨老干部的健康状况。

    Method The data of health examination of the retired elderly people in 2005 were analyzed and their health care demands were investigated with a questionnaire .