
  • 网络The Politics of Climate Change;climate change politics
  1. 同样显而易见的是,气候变化的政治意义首先会在地方的层面上被感觉到,因此也必须在这个层面上得到人们的充分理解。

    Furthermore , it is evident that the security implications of climate change are first felt at the local level , and this is where they need to be understood .

  2. APEC气候变化合作的政治经济分析

    A Political and Economic Analysis on Climate Change Cooperation of APEC

  3. 气候变化问题的政治活动人士上周五不失时机地引用2014年的温度记录为证,表明采取强有力行动的必要性。

    Political activists on climate change wasted no time Friday in citing the 2014 heat record as proof that strong action was needed .

  4. 媒体倾向于优先报道洪灾或其他自然灾害导致的死亡,以及气候变化相关的政治丑闻。

    Articles about deaths caused by floods or other natural disasters , and political scandals related to climate change tend to get precedence , he said .

  5. 巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)总统希望使针对气候变化的行动成为他政治遗产的一部分。

    President Barack Obama hopes to make action on climate change part of his legacy .

  6. 然而,尽管会议的调子是积极的,代表们指出在气候变化的科学与现实政治之间还存在着一个巨大的差距。

    But while the mood of the meeting was positive , delegates pointed out that a huge gap remains between the science of climate change and the political realities .