
  • 网络climatic fluctuation;climatic oscillation
  1. B/M界限附近,气候波动周期由41ka转变为100ka。

    The period of climatic fluctuation changed from 41 ka to 100 ka at B / M boundary .

  2. 中国热带第四纪动物群与气候波动

    The Quaternary Faunas and Climatic Fluctuation in Tropical China

  3. 蔬菜价格随气候波动。

    The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather .

  4. 研究表明,由Rb、Sr含量变化构成的这些旋回主要是由干冷暖湿气候波动所致。

    The study showed that these cycles were chiefly resulted from dry-cold and warm-humid climate fluctuations .

  5. 以黄河源区为研究对象,以分布式水文模型SWAT为研究工具,建立不同气候波动和土地覆盖变化情景,模拟和预测未来水资源的变化。

    Taking Yellow River Source Region as a study area , this paper simulated and estimated the runoff processes under the different climate and land cover change scenarios using distributed hydrological model & SWAT .

  6. 上段(2.6~8m)是全新世晚期(约3~2KaBP)的风沙沉积,内部夹有两个弱土壤化层,表明在风沙沉积作用过程中有过两次短暂的气候波动。

    The upper member ( 2.6 8 m ) resulted from the late Holocene ( about 3 to 2 ka BP ) eolian sedimentation . Two weakly pedogenic beds within this part suggest two short term climatic fluctuations in the prevailing eolian activity .

  7. 中国热带西部历史时期气候波动

    Climate Fluctuation in the West Part of Tropical China during Historical Period

  8. 海南岛全新世大暖期后的古气候波动分析

    Paleoclimate Fluctuations Analysis of Hainan Islands after Holocene Warm Period

  9. 中国全新世大暖期哺乳动物与气候波动

    Paleoclimatic fluctuations and mammals in Holocene Megathermal in China

  10. 剖面中的38个沉积旋迥相应地记录了38次干湿冷暖气候波动。

    The 38 sedimentary cycles record 38 climate vicissitudes between cold-dry and warm-humid .

  11. 这种气候波动与世界性的气候变化相一致。

    These fluctuations coincide with the global climatic changes .

  12. 中国东部近20000年来的气候波动与海面升降运动

    Sea-level changes along the east coast of China over the last 20,000 years

  13. 银川盆地晚第四纪孢粉记录的快速气候波动事件

    Late Quaternary sporopollen records ad rapid climatic fluctuation events in the Yinchuan basin

  14. 中更新世气候波动一般为三大旋回。

    The main variation of climate is of two cycles in Late Pleistocene .

  15. 南海深海沉积物花粉记录的快速气候波动事件

    Millennial-scale climatic fluctuations in Pollen Record of deep sea deposit from South China Sea

  16. 西北干旱区湖泊沉积记录反映的全新世气候波动周期性变化

    Holocene climatic periodicities recorded from Lake Sediments in the arid-semiarid areas of Northwestern China

  17. 研究结果还反映出不同阶段存在一些小的气候波动。

    Additionally , it seems thatthere exist some slight climate fluctuations at different stages .

  18. 第四纪泥炭成炭期的划分与气候波动

    Periodicity of Quaternary peat formation and climatic fluctuation

  19. 气候波动对莱州湾地区水资源及极端旱涝事件的影响

    Impacts of Climate Fluctuations on Water Resources and Extremes in the Laizhou Bay Area

  20. 一个重要研究目的是区分开自然的气候波动与人为影响的气候变化。

    An overarching goal was to separate natural climate fluctuations from those of human origin .

  21. 气候波动在我国近期湖泊变化中的作用

    Lake level changes and their relationship with climatic fluctuations in the past decades in China

  22. 短花针茅草原植物群落生产力与气候波动的关系

    The Relationship Between Primary Productivity of Plant Community and Climate Fluctuation in Stipa breviflora Desert Steppe

  23. 土地利用变化和气候波动对东江流域水循环的影响

    Influences of Land Use Changes and Climatic Vibration on Water Circulation in the East River Valley

  24. 气候波动是影响径流、泥沙变化的主要因素之一。

    Climate fluctuation is one of the primary factors which influence the variation of runoff and sediment .

  25. 反映46.1ka以来宣威地区的气候波动与全球的气候变化具有明显的一致性。

    It reflects that the climatic changes in Xuanwei area coincides with the fluctuation of global paleoclimatic change .

  26. 对当前的气候波动和未来的气候变化,农业是最敏感的部门之一。

    For the current climate fluctuation and future climate change , agriculture is one of the most sensitive departments .

  27. 喀喇昆仑山-昆仑山现代冰川进退变化及其对气候波动的响应

    The advance and retreat fluctuation of modern glaciers and their response to the climatic changes in the KARAKORUM-KUNLUN MTS

  28. 绿色走廊的演变受到构造运动、气候波动和人为干扰等因素的影响。

    The evolution of green corridor in Hetian river has been impacted by geology , climate and people 's interruption .

  29. 因此,为了适应这种缓慢的气候波动,一些物种将其栖息范围拓宽至数百公里。

    And so in response to this gradual climatic swings , some species have shifted their ranges hundreds of kilometres .

  30. 南海北部ODP1144站颜色反射率揭示的千年尺度气候波动

    The millennial-scale climate fluctuations revealed by the records of color reflectance from ODP site 1144 in the northern South China Sea