
  1. 运城地区地膜小麦栽培技术研究

    A Study on Wheat Cultivation Technique of Film-mulched Field in Yuncheng

  2. 坡耕地地膜小麦栽培技术研究初报

    The Culture Technology of Plastic Film Wheat in Slope Field

  3. 水浇地春小麦栽培技术方案的优化决策分析

    Optimal Decision-making Analysis of Cultivated Technique Scheme of Spring Wheat in Irrigated Field

  4. 优质强筋小麦栽培技术要点

    Main technologies of high gluten wheat cultivation

  5. 随着小麦栽培技术的发展,小麦种植机械化也在飞速前进。

    With the development of wheat-planting technique , wheat planting mechanization is developing rapidly as well .

  6. 宁夏灌区覆膜穴播小麦栽培技术问题的分析及对策

    An Analysis of Cultivation Technique of Bunch Planting Mulch Wheat in Irrigation Area of Ningxia and Countermeasures

  7. 春小麦栽培技术研究

    Spring wheat Cultural technique

  8. 沿江高沙土地区优质弱筋小麦栽培技术规程的研究

    Research of the Supplemental Cultural Technology of High Quality Weak Tendon Wheat in the High Sand Area along River ; Technical specification for planting avenue trees

  9. 冬小麦撒播栽培技术的研究与应用

    Application and Study on the Technique of Broadcast Sowing in Winter Wheat

  10. 旱作水稻稻茬小麦增产栽培技术研究

    Study on Cultivation Techniques of increasing production in wheat grown

  11. 小麦垄作栽培技术的生态生理效应

    Eco-physiological Effect of Wheat Bed - planting Culture Techniques

  12. 水浇地冬小麦垄作栽培技术研究

    Study on Ridge Culture Technique in Irrigated Winter Wheat

  13. 河西井泉灌区春小麦综合栽培技术研究

    Studies on Comprehensive Culture Technique of Spring wheat in Hexi Region of Gansu Province

  14. 不同条件下的小麦高产栽培技术

    High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Wheat in Different Conditions

  15. 晚茬小麦高产栽培技术途径

    High yielding cultivation approaches in Late Sown Wheat

  16. 山西省中部地区赶茬小麦配套栽培技术研究

    A Study on the Cultural Practice of Winter Wheat in the Middle Part of Shanxi Province

  17. 丹凤县川原小麦优化栽培技术方案探讨

    Discussion on the Optimum Cultivation Technical Scheme of Winter Wheat in Valley and Yuan Lands in Danfeng County

  18. 制定合理栽培措施的依据兼述青海高原春小麦高产栽培技术

    Bases for Advancing Rational Cultivation Measures and Remarks on the High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Spring Wheat On the Qinghai Plateau

  19. 小麦撒播栽培技术是为解决水地回茬麦产量低及播种时劳畜力紧张等问题而发展起来的一项简化栽培技术。

    The technique of cultivation with broadcast sowing in winter wheat is a simplified cultivation technique of high yield to solve the problem of low yield for multiple cropping wheat in irrigated land and the shortage of labour force and animal power at sowing time .

  20. 通过对小麦撒播栽培技术及其增产机理进行系统研究,结果表明,撒播栽培利于冬前幼苗生根增蘖,提高成穗率;

    The technique of cultivation with broadcast sowing and the mechanism of increase production in winter wheat were studied systematically . The results showed that cultivation with broadcast sowing could be of advantage to rooting and tillering of seedling before winter , and increase the percentage of ear bearing tiller .

  21. 陕西省玉米小麦地膜覆盖栽培技术的应用与推广

    An Application and Extension of Corn and Wheat Mulch Technology in Shaanxi Province

  22. 黔西北优质小麦高产高效栽培技术研究

    Cultivation Techniques of Quality Wheat for High Yield Efficiency in Particular Ecological Areas of Northwest Guizhou

  23. 旱地晚茬冬小麦稳产高产栽培技术研究

    A Study of Cultivation Technique for High and Stable Yield of Late-Sown Winter Wheat in Rainfed Lands

  24. 江苏晚播冬小麦覆膜穴播栽培技术可行性分析

    A Feasible Analysis to the Technology of Bunch Planting with Plastic Film in Late-sown Wheat in Jiangsu Province

  25. 在莱阳等地对无水浇条件旱地冬小麦高额丰产栽培技术进行了田间试验研究。

    Field experiment for cultural practices of higher yield winter wheat was carried out on dry land without irrigation .

  26. 不同生态地区异源2号小麦高产综合栽培技术研究

    Study on the Selected Cultivation Techology for High yielding Wheat of No 2 Alien Gene in Different Ecological Conditions

  27. 合阳县甘井乡旱地小麦亩产200&250kg栽培技术研究

    Cultivation Techniques of per Mu Yield of 200 & 250 kg of Winter Wheat in Rainfed Land in Ganjing Township of Heyang County

  28. 明确抗旱新品种郑旱1号生育规律及抗旱机制,对于小麦新品种栽培技术的优化组合及抗旱品种的选育具有重要的理论意义和应用前景。

    It is important to elucidate the growth and development characteristics and mechanism of drought tolerance in wheat for breeding cultivar and optimizing cultivation technology .

  29. 不同气候年型与土壤类型下春小麦高产高效栽培技术体系模拟研究

    Researches on Modeling of Cultivation Technique Systems of 500 kg / 666.7m ~ 2 Yield in Different Climate Year Types and Soil Types for Spring Wheat

  30. 两系杂交小麦高产高效栽培技术模式研究&Ⅰ.种植密度对产量的影响

    Studies on the model of cultivation techniques of two-line hybrid wheat with high yield and high effectiveness & ⅰ . effect of sowing density on yield