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xiǎo gū
  • sister-in-law;husband's younger sister;husbands younger sister
小姑 [xiǎo gū]
  • [husbands younger sister;husband's younger sister] 丈夫的妹妹

  • 却与小姑别。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 小姑始扶床

  • 小姑如我长

  • 小姑前年嫁彭郎。--宋. 陆游《过小孤山大孤山》

小姑[xiǎo gū]
  1. 小姑就要出门子了,大家都舍不得她。

    My sister-in-law will get married soon , but none of us are able to leave her .

  2. 我的可怜的小姑一想到你身体上与道德上的美,她的芳心都碎啦。

    My poor little sister-in-law is breaking her heart by mere contemplation of your physical and moral beauty .

  3. 她真是个说一不二的小姑奶奶。

    She 's a proper little madam .

  4. 但照看小姑和丈夫的重担全都落在Wirasinghe的肩上。

    But the burden of looking after her sister-in-law and her husband rests heavily on Wirasinghe 's shoulders .

  5. 今天,小姑在家,所以稍微轻松点。

    Today , my sister was home , I felt more relaxed than before .

  6. 到中午却有一位老婆婆给小姑送饭。

    At noon , an old woman came to the boat with food for the girl .

  7. 心中更知是大士显化,由小姑虔诚恭敬所感故。

    But I know that is the heart of Tuas significantly , from uncles and feel it is respectful piety .

  8. 李女士信赖的少数几个人(包括她的中国小姑)告诉她别再去惹自己的丈夫。

    The few people Ms LEE confided in , including her Chinese sister-in-law , told her to stop provoking her husband .

  9. 约翰.达什伍德夫人如今当上了诺兰庄园的女主人,她的婆母和小姑们反而落到寄人篱下的境地。

    Mrs. John Dashwood now installed herself mistress of Norland ; and her mother and sisters-in-law were to the condition of visitors .