首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 他曾从门前经过,我在一旁观望

    I saw him once before , as he passed by the door

  2. 不曾在门前栽下五株柳。

    And I didn 't plant five willows in front of the gate .

  3. 4例(13.3%)曾接受门腔静脉分流术;

    Of 30 cases ( 13.3 % ) received portacaval shunt ( PCS ) .

  4. 你是否曾学习一门外语但却感觉无法理解它到底是怎么说的?

    Did you ever study another language without feeling like you understood how it 's really spoken ?

  5. LDK就曾因为“库存门”事件打乱了发展计划,不然不会到现在仍旧资金紧张。

    LDK changed its plan because of inventory , or it would not be with a tight budget today .

  6. 我会使用计算机,而且我曾上过一门会计课程。

    I 'm computer literate and I 've also taken a course in Accountancy .

  7. 我更擅长食品分类,大学时曾学过一门名称里有农业和食品的课程。

    I am better at food labelling , having done a course at university with agriculture and food in its title .

  8. 后来我搬回原来的住处,有好一阵子都没有再看到以前曾出现在我门前的那只蛇的踪影。

    Later I moved back to my original house , and for a while saw no signs of the snake that had appeared at my door .

  9. 孙轶潇表示,他曾想撬开电梯门,但是他放弃了这个想法。相反,考虑到电梯出了故障可能会自由下坠,他选择背靠电梯。

    Sun said he tried to pry open the elevator door , but dismissed the idea and instead leaned against the wall concerned there could be a malfunction that would send the elevator in a free fall .

  10. 不只这两个人,还有许多信徒,从世界的眼光看来,他们的境遇未必能使他们得到这种启示;可是事实上,他们都曾看见天上有门为他们开了。

    Not to these only , but to many more , doors have been opened into Heaven , when , so far as the world was concerned , it seemed as though their circumstances were altogether unlikely for such revelations .