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  • Ya;husbands of sisters
  • 连襟,姊妹二人丈夫的互相称谓:~婿。

  1. 医生被马娅的美貌深深吸引。

    The doctor is bewitched by Maya 's beauty .

  2. 多罗西娅装腔作势地呻吟了一声。

    Dorothea let out a histrionic groan .

  3. 他告诉娜奥米,她正变得和马娅一样。一想到这里,娜奥米便不寒而栗。

    He told Naomi she was becoming just like Maya . Naomi quailed at the thought .

  4. 安西娅正打算亮出杀手锏,没有她的签名,就无法放款。

    Anthea was about to play her trump card - without her signature none of the money could be released .

  5. 一家叫“V”的杂志最近联系到了瓦莱里娅并证实了她的存在。

    And now V Magazine was able to catch up with her , confirming that she 's the real deal .

  6. 杰西卡·查斯坦:我小时候喜欢蕾娅公主(PrincessLeia)。

    JESSICA CHASTAIN I loved Princess Leia as a kid .

  7. 马克·霍夫曼(MarkHoffman)和他的妻子吉娅(Guia)在伊利诺伊州田园小镇肯普顿有自己的家庭旅馆。

    Mark Hoffman and his wife , Guia , own a bed-and-breakfast guesthouse in rural Kempton , Illinois .

  8. 31岁的导演瓦列里娅·加伊·(ValeriaGaiGermanika)以成长电影闻名。她说,她不介意去除她2014年影片《是的是的》(YesandYes)中的脏话。

    The director Valeria Gai Germanika , 31 , known for her coming-of-age films , said she didn 't mind cutting the cursing from her 2014 film " Yes and Yes . "

  9. 正如三个孩子的母亲茱莉娅•麦纳(JuliaMiner)周日所说的:无论你是谁,孩子到了十几岁,做父母的都不容易。她住在华盛顿特区郊外,这本书读到了第70页。

    As Julia Miner , a mother of three who lives outside Washington , D.C. , said Sunday , when she was up to page 70 of " The Cursed Child , " parenting teenagers has challenges no matter who you are .

  10. 法国的一家商学,即院欧洲工商管理学院的赫米尼娅•伊芭拉(HerminiaIbarra)说道,男性固执地低估女性。

    And men do persistently underestimate women , argues Herminia Ibarra of INSEAD , a business school in France .

  11. 今晚我要给桑娅清除粪便。

    And tonight I 'm gonna muck out sonya 's stall .

  12. 她叫茱莉娅,而她会消失。

    Her name is Julia and she is gonna get vaporized .

  13. 不过我们现在要讲一下他的妻子克拉娅?舒曼。

    But let 's now talk about his wife Clara Schumann .

  14. 人们认为这金子是我们偷的。安西娅说。

    People think we 've stolen the gold , 'Anthea said .

  15. 那天一种可怕的疑虑重重地压在利季娅的心上。

    During the day a dreadful suspicion had dawned on lydia .

  16. 班德里娅我能和你说几句话吗?

    badriyah , Can I Talk To You For One Minute ?

  17. 你不喜欢帮人实现愿望吗?安西娅问。

    ' Don 't you like giving wishes ? 'Anthea asked .

  18. 利季娅转身憋住气向楼梯跑去。

    Lydia turned and ran , choking , toward the staircase .

  19. 本:凯尔,我并不想卖掉桑娅的。

    Ben : Cale , I wasn 't trying to sell Sonya .

  20. 丽姬娅为野餐准备了一张结实的塑料单。

    Ligeia prepared a fine plastic sheet for the picnic .

  21. 随后塔里娅坐到我桌子对面。

    And so then Tarja was sitting across the table from me .

  22. 利季娅心中一块石头落了地。

    Lydia let out her breath in a long sigh .

  23. 你为什么这么反对蜜娅成为女王?

    Why are you so against Princess MIA being queen ?

  24. 麦娅,甜心,你知道这不是由于你。

    Maia , honey , you know this isn 't about you .

  25. 安西娅要马莎把午饭拿到外边那里去。

    Anthea asked Martha to bring their lunch out there .

  26. 蜜娅公主还不够资格管理国家,因为她还未婚。

    Princess MIA is not qualified to rule because she is unmarried .

  27. 凯莉娅:我们不需要换乘吗?

    Cayla : Don 't we need to get transfers ?

  28. 桑娅,你没必要这样做。

    Sonia , you don 't have to do this .

  29. 安西娅肯定和你年龄相仿。

    Anthea must be about the same age as you .

  30. 加油,桑娅,现在只剩三圈了。

    Come on , sonya , only three furlongs to go now .