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hòu mǔ
  • stepmother
后母 [hòu mǔ]
  • [stepmother] 父亲后来娶的妻子,即继母

后母[hòu mǔ]
  1. 灰姑娘是她后母的眼中钉肉中刺。

    Cinderella is the thorn in her stepmother 's flesh .

  2. 后母还是一大早就把他们叫醒。

    The stepmother wakes them up very early again .

  3. 临产后母血、羊水中PGE2的变化与胎盘上bcl-2表达的关系

    The relation of the concentrations of PGE_2 in maternal blood and amniotic fluid with the expression of bcl-2 in placental on labor onset

  4. 术后母绵羊继续妊娠,待足月后行剖腹产取胎羊。

    After surgical intervention the fetal sheep continued on its gestation .

  5. 他跟他的后母相处得很好。

    He gets along with his step - mother very well .

  6. 我们早已经并且还将继续面对一个“后母语”阶段的满民族。

    We have been facing Manchu at a post mother language stage .

  7. 煤炭企业剥离上市后母公司资金如何运营初探

    Discussion on fund operation of group company after the subsidiary coal enterprise listed on the stock market

  8. 在学校戏剧中我被叫去扮演恶毒的后母这个角色。

    I 've been asked to play the part of the evil stepmother in the school play .

  9. “是的,救你的后母和她儿子的性命的就是他。”

    " Yes ; it was he who saved the life of your step-mother and her son . "

  10. 汤姆要求侦探查明克莱尔是否有权继承她后母的遗产。

    Tom wanted the detective to check out whether Clare had the right to get her step mother 's money .

  11. “快一点,汉瑟,”后母说。“我们有好长一段路要走。”

    " Hurry up , Hansel ," says the stepmother . " We have a long way to go . "

  12. 与岳母恐惧症相关的还有害怕继母的后母恐惧症——最出名的患者是辛德瑞拉

    A related phobia to pentheraphobia is novercaphobia which is a fear of your stepmother - the most famous sufferer of which is Cinderella .

  13. 点评:文章的语言很朴素,但是却在这种朴素的叙述中,将后母对“我”的真挚的爱融入其中。

    Comment on : the language is very simple , but in this homespun narrative , will stepmother unto me sincere love integrate into one .

  14. 灰姑娘和他刻薄的后母与自私的姐姐住在一起。

    Cinderella lives with her cruel stepmother and two selfish stepsisters , who , jealous of her beauty and sweet temper , treat her as a servant .

  15. 于是,汉秀和格里泰尔:母亲采取杀孩子来缓解贫困的故事,变成了后母的故事。

    So , the tough reality of Hansel and Gretel in which a mother suggests infanticide as a way out of poverty , is softened by making this character a stepmother .

  16. 却说我父亲的妻子,我那位后母,憎恶我,只要我住在我父亲的家里,她就觉得太阳也变得黑暗了。

    Now it came to pass that my father 's wife , my step-mother , hated me , and the sun appeared dark in her eyes as long as I lived in my father 's house .

  17. 1985年在青海省天峻县牧场采集流产或产犊后母牦牛血清155份,其中含有衣原体补体结合抗体者45份。

    Diagnosis of enzootic abortion in yak on farms in Tianjun County , Qinghai Province was reported . In 1985 , 155 serum samples of yak after aborting or calving were collected , of which 45 sera were positive in complement fixation test .

  18. 尽管如此,一则由于这位阿霍什塔有财有势,二则我后母竭力劝说,我的父亲便派媒人去说亲。一说即合,阿霍什塔叫人捎信来,说今年盛夏就要娶亲成婚。

    Nevertheless my father , because of the wealth and power of this Ahoshta , and being persuaded by his wife , sent messengers offering me in marriage , and the offer was favourably accepted and Ahoshta sent word that he would marry me this very year at the time of high summer .