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  1. 他宣称他在见到基督的幻像后得到了圣伤痕。

    He claims he received the stigmata after seeing a vision of christ .

  2. 点出圣光守护后的荣耀圣言不会再阻止牧师的盾的施放,或者被盾覆盖了。

    The presence of the Word of Glory effect from the paladin talent Guarded by the Light will no longer prevent casting or get overwritten by Power Word : Shield .

  3. 几十年后,伊夫•圣•洛朗(YvesSaintLaurent)等设计师再次从东方美学中获得灵感,其1978年的中国系列最能体现这一点。

    A few decades later designers such as Yves Saint Laurent once again found inspiration in the aesthetic , most visibly in his Chinese collection of 1978 .