
  1. TMV接种后烟株中病毒相对含量研究

    Studies on Relative Contents of Pathogen in TMV-Inoculated Plant

  2. 相同Ar、N2和CO2添加量,使用CO2后烟度增加幅度最小而NOx排放下降幅度最大。

    With the same addition amount into intake air , the use of CO2 leads to the smallest increase of soot and largest decrease of NOx emissions .

  3. 接种TMV后烟株花器病毒相对含量由高到低的排列顺序是:花冠,子房,花萼,雄蕊,雌蕊。

    Sequence of TMV relative contents of different organs on plants after inoculated from the highest to the lowest is below : corolla , ovary , calyx , stamen , pistil .

  4. 烘烤定色期不同环境对烤后烟叶香吃味的影响

    Effect of Different Environment in Color Fixing Stage to the Aroma and Taste of Cured-leaf

  5. 烤后烟产量随着施氮量和灌水量的增加而增加。

    The field of flue-cured tobacco increased as the nitrogen rate and water amount increased .

  6. 打顶后烟株根系吸收能力下降,适时成熟,分层落黄。

    After topping , absorptive capacity of tobacco root system declined , tobacco leaf matured timely and grew yellow and stratified .

  7. 利用微波对切后烟片叶块进行处理,考察了微波杀虫(卵)的效果及其对叶块松散、烟片综合加工质量和感官质量的影响。

    The insecticidal efficiency , loosening , comprehensive processing quality , and smoking quality of sliced tobacco block treated with microwave were investigated .

  8. 对后烟井前墙包复鳍片管结构突变处进行定性力学分析,针对性地提出相应措施及制造、安装时注意事项。

    Qualitative mechanical analysis was made for special structure of back pass front wall , and relevant measures and notices for manufacturing and erection are presented .

  9. 2003年的调查结果与1988年相比,15年后烟区土壤含氯量降低了5mg/kg,烟叶含氯量下降60.0%。

    Compare with the results in 1988 , the average content of chlorine in tobacco-planting soils was decreased for 5 mg / kg and in tobacco leaves was reduced for 60.0 % .

  10. 如果有敌人入侵,干草掺杂狼粪,这在白天这可以充当送信兵——其燃烧后烟会高高地升起,哨兵因此得到了远方的警告。

    If enemies came to invade , hays blended with wolf shit was bum in the daytime , the smoke of which would rise very high so that sentinels could get the warn .

  11. 灌水处理明显提高了烤后烟的香气总量,不施氮和施氮105kg/hm~2处理香气总量随着灌水的增多而增加,其余施氮处理则随着灌水的增加先增加后减少。

    Irrigation obviously improved the total amount of aroma . The total amount of aroma under no nitrogen and the nitrogen amount of 105 kg / hm ~ 2 increased as the water amount increased , while the remaining nitrogen treatment increased first and then decreased with increasing water amount .

  12. 结果表明,富氧进气后排气烟度、HC和CO排放显著降低而NOx排放增加明显。

    The results show that with OEA , the soot , HC and CO emissions all decrease significantly while NOx emissions increase obviously .

  13. 主要内容有:烤后原烟深黄、金黄色居多,结构疏松,油分多,色度强,化学成分含量适宜,比例协调。

    The content and ratio of the major chemical components were suitable .

  14. 对于功能结构复杂的大型建筑建设项目,则引入道路服务水平可靠性后运用烟羽模型法进行研究。

    Another model has been used to analyses the functional structure of complex large-scale construction projects .

  15. 各处理烤后原烟常规化学成分基本都处于适宜范围。

    The chemical compositions of cured tobacco leaves of each treatment were all in suitable level .

  16. 最后,对改造后锅炉烟温偏差、壁温偏差及汽温偏差的情况进行测试,验证燃烧器反切改造的效果。

    Finally , calibrated the retrofit boiler on steam temperature deviation , wall temperature deviation and flue gas temperature deviation .

  17. 对不同地区、不同等级烟叶配方打叶后片烟的常规化学成分、主要中性致香成分和评吸质量进行相关分析。

    Some important neutral flavor constituents and routine constituents of Henan flue-cured tobacco leaves from different mature and different stalk position were analyzed .

  18. 警方说这个男孩告诉他们,他醒后闻到烟味,他妹妹开始咳嗽,于是他让她到外面去。

    They say the boy told them he awoke and smelled smoke and he and his sister began coughing so he led her outside .

  19. 将改进后的烟流预测软件与安全疏散相结合,分别对自然排烟和机械排烟两种条件下对建筑物进行了安全性分析。

    Combined with the improved sofeware and safe evacuation , safe analysis has been done respectively under the conditions of physical smoke extraction and mechanical smoke extraction .

  20. 测定了施加小麦秆糠、玉米秆糠后植烟土壤中细菌、霉菌、放线菌、解磷菌、解钾菌、硝化细菌和反硝化细菌7类菌群的分布及数量;

    The distribution and quantity of bacteria , fungi , actinomycetes , phosphate and potassium solubilizing microorganisms , nitrobacteria and denitrobacteria were detected after the wheat and maize straw chaffs were added to the tobacco cultivated soil .

  21. 试验结果表明:掺烧LPG后发动机的烟度大幅度下降,NOx的排放量减少,而HC及CO的排放量增加。

    The experiment result shows that the amount of soot and NO x emissions are reduced whereas that of the HC and CO emissions are increased for this diesel LPG dual fuel engines .

  22. 那是一个寒冷的感恩节的下午,天色渐晚,空气中弥漫着木头燃烧后散发的烟味。

    It was a chilly Thanksgiving afternoon , late in the day and the air was hazy with wood smoke .

  23. 酸化后的含烟抽提物和亚硝化后的嚼烟油提物的转化活性高于未酸化或未亚硝化者。

    Transforming activities of acidified tobacco snuff extract and nitrosated chewing tobacco extract were higher than that of nonacidified or nonnilro-sated extracts .

  24. 瞬间的美丽绽放后的余烟,那是一种不舍的离情,在望一眼最爱的人,是告别还是留恋?

    Instant beauty Yuyan after blooming , it is a situation from the bear , a favorite in sight , is still lingering farewell ?

  25. 随着氮肥用量的增加,调制后烟叶上等烟比例、产量、均价和产值等经济性状均呈上升趋势。

    With the raise of nitrogen application amount , the percentage of superior leaves , yield , average price and value of cured tobacco leaves increased .

  26. 中国在加入WTO三年后取消了特种烟的零售许可证,使烟草市场竞争更加的激烈,这就需要继续加强烟草业物流自动化技术发展,降低物流成本,提高总体竞争力。

    China removes the special tobacco retail license after Participating in WTO three years , witch makes competition in the tobacco market becoming more fiercer , so the tobacco industry needs to improve the logistics automation technology , reducing logistics cost , improve competitiveness .

  27. 结果表明:该控制系统能够对掺烧LPG量进行精确控制,使得改装后发动机的碳烟排放大幅度降低,同时又可兼顾HC、CO排放在法规允许范围内。

    The results show that this electronic control system can control the injection of LPG accurately so that the smoke emission was reduced largely , at the same time , the emissions of HC and CO were controlled in allowed range .

  28. 从电视上可以看到一辆着火后冒着黑烟的大型拖车,浓烟直冲天上。

    A tractor-trailer caught fire with heavy black smoke billowing into the sky .

  29. 他喜欢在晚饭后抽支雪茄烟,喝杯白兰地。

    He enjoys an after-dinner cigar and brandy .

  30. 打开卧室门后,她看到烟从那间小办公室里涌了出来。

    When she opened her bedroom door she saw smoke pouring out of the small office .