
  • 网络postproduction;Compositing;After Effec;DFusion;Synthesis
  1. 在第二部分中,我告诉你如何为后期合成设置你的场景。

    In part two , I show you how to set up your scene to render for compositing .

  2. 针对VRP平台的特点,完成脚本设计、三维建模及烘焙、后期合成等等工作,进而得到动车组虚拟现实系统开发。

    According to the characteristics of the VRP platform , the script design , 3d modeling and baking , in the late synthesis are completed , and the EMU virtual reality system is developed .

  3. 教育电视节目制作中基于PC平台后期合成软件的比较研究

    Compare Study about the Post-composite Software Based on PC Platform in ETV Program Production

  4. 图28展示我最终的效果,一张为后期合成准备的非常棒的图像。

    Fig.28 shows my final result : a pretty good base for the post production work .

  5. 数字抠图是把图片或影像的某一部分从原始图片或影像中分离出来成为单独的图层,为后期合成做准备。

    The digital matting is a technology to separate a certain part of the picture or video into 2 layers and prepare for the post-image analysis .

  6. 在动画,后期合成,电脑生成影像,和其他高科技可制作影像的时代,没有理由使用真正的猿类来做演员。

    There is no reason to use live apes as actors when animation , blue screen , computer-generated images , and other highly advanced technologies can produce realistic substitutes .

  7. 增加施氮量能够提高灌浆中后期淀粉合成有关酶的活性,提高淀粉的积累速率。

    The increase of nitrogen amount applied could improve the activity of enzyme related to starch synthesis at the middle and late filling stage so as to increase the filling rate of starch .

  8. 本研究显示血吸虫感染初期胶原合成与降解处于平衡状态,而感染后期胶原的合成多于胶原的降解。

    This study shows that the synthesis and degradation of collagen keep a dynamic balance at the early stage of schistosomiasis japonica challenge , while at the later stages the quantity of collagen synthesis was higher than that of collagen degradation .

  9. 在胚胎期DA神经元发育的后期,DA的合成与分泌是促使DA神经元进一步成熟和形成功能联系的原动力。

    During late development in embryonic period , the synthesis and secretion of DA is the prime mover to promote maturation of DA neurons .

  10. 在试验条件下,灌拔节水+灌浆水(花后15d)有利于后期旗叶蔗糖合成和籽粒淀粉积累,其籽粒产量最高,品质性状最优;

    Under this particular experimental conditions , twice irrigations ( at Jointing stage plus grain filling stage ) improved sucrose content in flag leaves and starch accumulation in grains , resulting in the highest grain yield .

  11. 首先是对虚拟摄影棚场景进行布置,接着对虚拟摄影棚现场效果进行调整,并结合桌面控制软件进行操作,然后是虚拟摄影棚现场的录制,最后是论述教育资源后期的编辑与合成。

    The first section talks about making arrangements for the scene , then adjusts the spot effects of the Virtual Studio in combination with operating on software . The next section is recording , and the last section relates the later-stage edit and composition of Educational Resources .