
  • 网络postmodern psychology
  1. 略论后现代主义心理学评后现代主义心理学思潮

    On postmodernism and postmodern psychology

  2. 文章对后现代建构主义心理学进行了系统的阐述。

    Post-modern constructionism psychology is a theoretical form of post-modern psychology .

  3. 试论后现代女性主义心理学

    On the Postmodern Feminist Psychology

  4. 通过对后现代主义社会心理学思潮基本观点的分析,可以得出的结论是:后现代主义社会心理学思潮还远没有也不可能成为社会心理学的主流,但它应当可以成为建构社会心理学大厦的一部分。

    Based on the detailed analyses of its basic standpoints , it can be concluded that post-modernist social psychology has not been and would never become the mainstream in social psychology , but it is certainly an important part supporting the whole structure of social psychology .

  5. 后现代社会建构主义心理学初探

    A research into post-modern social constructionist Psychology

  6. 后现代主义对当代心理学的贡献主要表现在对现代科学公共知识的进一步约束和完善上。

    What postmodernism is mainly contributed to modern psychology is that it has constrained and improved the modern public knowledge .

  7. 后现代主义对现代主义心理学的人性观进行了深刻解构和重构。

    Postmodernism psychology criticizes the viewpoint of human nature of the modernism psychology such as essentialism .

  8. 后现代取向的女性主义心理学具有否定所有的宏大叙述、否定传统形而上学的二元对立、反本质主义、主张多元方法等理论特色。

    Feminist psychology , which is post-modernistic in nature , has the following theoretical features : negating all mammoth narration and metaphysical dualism , opposing the theory of essence and advocating pluralistic methods .

  9. 三是后现代取向的女性主义心理学,强调采用解构的方法,重新解读主流心理学中的关于女性的所谓科学的知识,揭示心理学中的男性中心主义偏见。

    And the third emphasizes the deconstructing and reinterpreting the " scientific " knowledge and reveals the androcentric biases in mainstream psychology ; this has been called " postmodernist paradigm of feminist psychology " .

  10. 本文从研究对象、学科性质和研究方法三方面对后现代主义视野中的心理学进行探析,反思了后现代主义心理学的贡献和面临的困惑,并提出以本土化心理学作为后现代心理学发展的突破口。

    By analyzing research object , nature and study method of psychology in the postmodernism perspective , the essay reflects the contribution and puzzle of postmodern psychology , and considers that indigenous psychology can be served as breach of development for postmodern psychology .