
  • 网络Follow-Up Activity;Successor Activity;Follow-up tasks
  1. 教师用书也为每个单元提供了相关后续活动的建议。

    The Teacher 's book gives additional ideas for follow-up activities in each unit .

  2. 后续活动是否包括采取行动的核查和验证结果的记录吗?

    Do the follow-up activities include the verification of the action taken and record of the verification results ?

  3. 对于每个case,需要创建一个后续活动。

    For each case , you 'll need to create a follow-up activity .

  4. 我深信,通过此次活动以及其它后续活动,WMO在未来几十年将为人类提供更加贴切的服务。

    I am convinced that through this initiative and others that will follow , WMO will be even more relevant in serving humanity over decades to come .

  5. 协定的核查及后续活动国际委员会

    International Commission of Verification and Follow-up of the Agreements

  6. 本篇较为简练的介绍了亚欧会议,并且对其机制化问题做出比较详细的分析,文章还总结了中国在境内对亚欧会议及其后续活动的支持。

    Except the introduction of ASEM , the paper makes special analyses on its institutional problem .

  7. 本游戏开支为独立活动,没有宣布后续活动的计划。

    The game was billed as a single event , and as yet no plans have been announced for sequel events .

  8. 重要说明:要在两个活动之间跳转,不要求目标活动是源活动的后续活动。

    Important : To jump between two activities , it is not required that the target activity is a successor of the source activity .

  9. 活动属性包括活动编码、先行活动、后续活动、逻辑关系、提前量和滞后量、资源需求、强制日期、约束条件和假设条件等。

    Activity attributes include activity codes , predecessor activities , successor activities , logical relationships , leads and lags , resource requirements , imposed dates , constraints , and assumptions .

  10. 这里,该问题位于以下区域,其中导航已经移动到后续活动,并且重新运行该活动的实现无助于克服此类问题。

    Here , the problem lies in an area where the navigation is moved to succeeding activities , and rerunning the activity â™ s implementation cannot help to overcome this kind of issue .

  11. 国家如此重视探矿权市场的建设与改革,原因在于它是矿产资源勘查一直到开发一系列活动的逻辑前提,只有设置良好的探矿权才能带动后续活动的良好运行。

    Attach such importance to the national construction and reform of prospecting the market only because the right is the logical premise of the exploration of mineral resources and a series of activities relatives .

  12. 后面的方法对于等待分离完成的自动化非常有用,这有助于序列化目标表上的后续活动(例如,删除或者归档)。

    The latter method can be particularly useful for automating the wait for completion of detach to help serialize the subsequent action ( for instance , drop or archive ) on the target table .

  13. 这种方法不必计算所有活动实例的截止期限,只需根据实际需要,针对指定的后续活动实例进行截止期限的动态验证,从而减少了计算量,提高了工作流的执行效率。

    By utilizing this method , it is unnecessary to calculate the deadlines of all the activity instances in actual execution , and it reduces the computational quantity and improves the efficiency of executing workflow .

  14. 识别程度及处置方式标准是从交际者出发对误解及其后续活动所作的划分,有立即识别与处置、逐步识别与处置、事后识别三类情况。

    The degree of identification and disposition criterion refers to the classification based on the follow up activities of the communicator , including instant identification and disposition , gradual identification and disposition , final identification but no disposition .

  15. 年欣欣举办了一个新的后续计划活动,“祖炳民”杯徵文比赛。

    In2008 , Shin Shin established a new follow-up program : an essay contest program .

  16. 河北省2004年实施麻疹疫苗后续免疫活动评价

    Evaluation on the Implementation Vaccine of Measles " Follow-up " Immunization Campaign in Hebei Province in 2004

  17. 因为没有足够的细节而造成的浪费肯定会在后续的活动中不断地重现。

    The waste of not having enough detail here is essentially rework in many of the downstream activities .

  18. 后续发行活动高涨,反映出投资者支持公司扩张计划或将估值较高股票套现的愿望越来越强。

    The rise in follow-on issuance reflects growing investor willingness to support expansion plans or to cash in higher-valued paper .

  19. 通常教育剧场需要一定的准备工作坊和一些简单的后续戏剧活动,它们组成一个完整的经验。

    Often the TIE programme involves preparation work and follow-up ( usually drama ) activities developed as a part of the whole experience .

  20. 确定目标主机的操作系统是攻击者进行攻击活动的前奏,基本上是攻击过程的必备步骤,对攻击者的后续攻击活动有着决定性意义。

    Targeting the operating system of host servers a prelude and necessary step to hacker attacks , and is decisive to their follow-up activity .

  21. 于后续追踪稽核活动中,应查证并记录所采矫正措施的执行情形与效果。

    Follow-up activities shall verify and record the implementation and effectiveness of the corrective action taken .

  22. 后续跟催活动应包含已采取矫正措施的查证和查证结果的报告(见8.5.2)。

    Follow-up activities shall include the verification of the actions taken and the reporting of verification results ( see8.5.2 ) .

  23. 自2002年以来,亚洲的后续股票发行活动一直在稳步增长当年总共有209宗后续发行,筹资总额为160亿美元。

    Follow-on issuance in the region has risen steadily since 2002 , when 209 issues raised a combined $ 16bn .

  24. 后续股票发行活动为那些从事承销和发行安排的全球投资银行提供了不断增长的收入源泉。

    The activity is providing a growing source of revenues for global investment banks , which underwrite and arrange the share sales .

  25. 后续股票发行活动主要是指上市公司发行新股,但也包括现有股东出售大宗股份。

    Follow-on activity largely covers listed companies issuing new shares , but also includes the sale of large shareholdings by existing investors .

  26. 在企业的整个生产运作过程中,采购活动作为企业物流和资金流的起点,对后续的企业活动影响重大。

    During the whole manufacturing and operation period , as the starting point of logistics and fund flow of an enterprise , procurement plays a significant part in the latter parts of the business activities .