
hòu kōng fān
  • backflip;backward somersault
后空翻[hòu kōng fān]
  1. 对黄旭双杠屈体后空翻两周挂动作的研究

    A Research for Huang Xu 's Techniques of Backward Somersault with 2 Saltos Piked on Parallel Bars

  2. 技巧运动员冯涛、邵春华后空翻三周落地技术分析

    Analysis on Landing Technique of Three-turn Backward Somersault Performed by Feng Tao and Shao Chunhua

  3. 他做了几个后空翻。

    He turned back somersaults .

  4. 他做了一个后空翻。

    He did a backward flip .

  5. 比赛以2比2结束,不过进球之后克洛泽标志性的后空翻庆祝方式将会被人们津津乐道很长时间。

    The game ended 2-2 but Klose 's famous somersault celebration after the all important goal will be remembered for a long long time .

  6. 这是他在轮椅上第一次做出双后空翻。Arron称这种运动为“圣经后空翻”,因为这需要许多信仰才能实现。

    It is been the first double back flip in a wheelchair , it 's being called that.And Arron calls the move a Bible flip because he says it takes a whole lot of faith to

  7. 技巧手推抛后空翻360°旋下的生物力学研究

    Biomechanics Research on Double Salto Backwards by Hand Throwing in Acrobatics

  8. 蹦床运动屈体两周早转后空翻动作技术研究

    The Exercise Technique Research on Bouble Back Somersault Pike Position in Trampoline

  9. 我教会了他后空翻入水。

    I got him doing the back flip just like a pro .

  10. 先倒立,接着后空翻。

    The handstand was followed by a back flip .

  11. 卧倒后空翻

    Drop to the ground . Do a backflip Do a front flip .

  12. 我的意思是娇虎旋风后空翻。-

    I mean ... Tigress tornado back flip . -

  13. 对屈体后空翻三周的生物力学分析

    A Biomechanical Analysis of Triple Back Salto Piked

  14. 手推抛后空翻屈体两周下的生物力学研究

    Biomechanical Study on the Hand Throw Push and Double Back off with Body Bent

  15. 前空翻后空翻

    Do a front flip . Do a backflip

  16. 你甚至会来个后空翻。

    You 're gonna do a goddamn backflip .

  17. 现在,它们居然开始后空翻了。

    Now , they can do backflips .

  18. 王恬恬跳马踺子后手翻直体后空翻转体720°的运动学分析

    Kinematical Analysis of Wang Tian-tian 's Vaulting

  19. 我能我能…我能连做四个后空翻吗?

    Do a quadruple back flip ?

  20. 技巧运动男女混合双人后空翻三周旋下的教法研究

    Research on the Teaching Methods of Mixed Double ′ s Triple Backward Salto to Stand in Sports Acrobatics

  21. 这是他在轮椅上第一次做出双后空翻。

    It is been the first double back flip in a wheelchair , it 's being called that .

  22. 这名18岁的女男子决心在轮椅上进行两次后空翻,他确实做到了。

    The18-year-old was determined to do a double back flip in his wheelchair , and he did it .

  23. 由愤怒到宣布永恒友谊的转变,表现了普京著名的后空翻技巧。

    The shift from fury to declarations of eternal friendship displayed Putin 's well-known flair for tactical back flips .

  24. 女子3人双膝抛直体后空翻两周下抛起动作的动力学和运动学特征

    Kinematic and Kinetic Features of the Throwing Part of Double Back Layout to Stand with Knee Throwing in Triples

  25. 对双杠后空翻两周挂团身和屈体的技术对比研究

    Two Weeks on the Parallel Bars Tuck Somersault Pike Somersault Two Weeks Hanging and Hanging Comparative Study of Technology

  26. 在其他种类的赛车比赛中,我们看到过壮观的后空翻式车祸,这就是汽车的空气动力学特性并没有像预想的那样发挥作用的后果。

    Other branches of auto racing have seenspectacular backflip crashes when the aerodynamics don 't work out as planned .

  27. 高水平运动员跳马踺子直体后空翻转体360°动作运动学特征的研究

    Study on Kinetic Feature of Horse Vaulting 's Arab Spring with Hollow Backword Somersault to 360 ° Action in High-level Athletes

  28. 一只狒狒正在做后空翻,一位特技演员正在完成高空镜头,一名奥林匹克运动员正在跳探戈。

    A baboon doing a back flip , a stunt man perfecting his fight scene , an Olympic athlete dancing the tango .

  29. 我的一位同事曾试图一种不明智的后空翻到游泳池和降落的牙齿对跳水板边缘第一。

    A coworker of mine once attempted an ill-advised back flip into a pool and landed teeth-first on the edge of the diving board .

  30. 男子直体后空翻两周接快速后空翻与接后手翻连接技术的研究

    A Study of the Skills for Linking a Double Back Salto Stretched with a Quick Back Salto or a Flic-Flac in Men 's Tumbling