
  • 网络Postmodern literature
  1. 当代加拿大后现代主义文学中的静与动

    On the Dynamic Stasis of Contemporary Canadian Postmodern Literature

  2. 第一章对后现代主义文学进行了大体介绍。

    Chapter One talks about postmodern literature in general .

  3. 现代科学的种种新论对后现代主义文学影响巨大,量子力学对奥尔森的放射诗论及诗作的影响是一个典型的例子。

    Various new theories of modern science exert great influence on postmodern literature .

  4. 总之,这种沉默的先锋派文学是后现代主义文学的先行者。

    It is the forerunner of postmodern literature .

  5. 后现代主义文学的四个基本特征

    Four Fundamental Traits of Post - modern Literature

  6. 带有一丝讽刺意味以及一种后现代主义文学的黑色幽默。

    It gets a touch of irony and the black humor of postmodern literature .

  7. 第四,后现代主义文学与中国文学的关系研究呈多元化。

    The research into the relation between post-modernism literature and Chinese literature became flourished .

  8. 这是后现代主义文学最基本的特征。

    It is basic character of Post-modernism literature .

  9. 论后现代主义文学的不确定性特征

    On the Uncertainty of the Post-modernist Literature

  10. 后现代主义文学的网络话语

    Internet and Post - modernist Literature

  11. 后现代主义文学是一个六七十年代盛行于西方国家的文艺思潮,在美国得到了充分的发展。

    Postmodernist literature is a trend of thought prevailing in western countries in the1960 's and1970 's.

  12. 美国著名作家唐·德里罗被称为美国后现代主义文学的代言人。

    Don Delillo , an American famous writer , is called the representative of the postmodern literature .

  13. 后现代主义文学的游戏性原则,放弃了现实主义和现代主义文学的创作规则。

    Rules of the game of postmodern literature have abandoned the writing rule of realistic and modern literature .

  14. 这一时期文学的3个热点板块是新侨民文学、宗教题材文学和后现代主义文学。

    Presently there are three hot spots in Russian literature : new immigrant literature , religious literature and post-modern literature .

  15. 在倒写体体现出后现代主义文学这点上,北京大学中文系教授张颐武表示赞同。

    Zhang Yiwu , a professor of Chinese literature at Peking University , agrees on the point of postmodern literature .

  16. 纳博科夫以其创新的文体形式、精湛的叙事技巧和独特的语言风格,被誉为后现代主义文学的经典作家。

    Nabokov is considered a classic post-modernist writer for his novel style , perfect narrative technique and unique style in language .

  17. 本文第二章着力探讨了后现代主义文学艺术的种种表现和美学风格。

    The chapter two of this thesis discusses all sorts of representation and aesthetic style of the post-modernism literature and art .

  18. 本文探讨了现代主义文学的产生发展历程、后现代主义文学的兴起及各自的文学特征。

    This paper discusses the development course of the modernism , the rise of the post-modernism , and their respective literature characteristics .

  19. 唐纳德·巴塞尔姆是后现代主义文学的代表作家之一,在他的作品中可以找到很多的后现代主义特征。

    Donald Barthelme is one of the representative writers of the post-modernist literature , among whose works many post-modernist traits could be found .

  20. 正是这两个特征导致了后现代主义文学艺术的又一倾向,即反对解释。

    In this paper , the author holds that it is these two characteristics that result in another trait of Postmodernism , Against Interpretation .

  21. 但中国的后现代主义文学,不是对西方后现代主义的简单摹仿,它是后现代主义与中国本土文化发生碰撞、交融之后产生的结果。

    But Chinese postmodernism literature is not the copy of Western postmodernism , but rather the outcome of the contact between postmodernism and Chinese native culture .

  22. 本文认为,在新的现实条件下产生的后现代主义文学艺术是一种扩张与狂欢的艺术。

    This thesis thinks that the post-modernism literature and art produced under new realistic conditions is a kind of art with " expansion and revelry " .

  23. 《洛丽塔》则是作家个人艺术风格的集中体现,也是后现代主义文学名闻退迩的经典。

    While Lolita is the novel that demonstrates the great writer 's artistic style more than any novel else , and therefore is considered a masterpiece of post-modernist literature .

  24. 他的专长是对西方先锋派文学、实验性文学的研究,这在西方后现代主义文学研究领域中是领先的。

    His interest is to study western avant-garde literature or experimental literature . Needless to say , He becomes a leader in the field of the postmodern literary studies .

  25. 后现代主义文学与现代主义文学尽管有所区别,但二者之间不仅保持继承关系,而且还具有许多一脉相承的艺术特征。

    Postmodernism literature differs from modernism literature , however , both of them not only keep the relation of inheritance but also have inherited artistic features from the past .

  26. 将欧美传统文学与20世纪现代主义与后现代主义文学互为参照,可以更好地说明欧美文学演变的历程及其特征。

    The comparison of traditional literature in Europe and USA with modernist and post-modernist literature can reveal better the process and features of the change of literature in the Occident .

  27. 通过对胡里奥·科塔萨尔的《花园余影》进行作品主题、故事情节、人物形象、文本解读的分析,笔者认为,该作品体现了后现代主义文学的最重要的特点&不确定内在性。

    It is not only propitious to promote the formation of the characters personalities , but also lead the plots in the tenses , and add more climaxes to the plot .

  28. 后现代主义文学的叙事策略不同于传统的叙事方法,然而它又不能与西方文化和文学的传统截然分开。

    Postmodern narrative strategies differ greatly from that of traditional ones . Yet , it can not be taken as having little to do with the western culture and western literary tradition .

  29. 在后现代主义文学中,碎片艺术就帮助小说家们呈现出非传统的形式、碎裂的结构、无关的叙事、错置的情节、文本拼贴和分裂的人物。

    In postmodern literature , the art of fragments helps the novelists to present unconventional form , fractural structure , unrelated narration , dislocated plots , text collage , and schizophrenic characters .

  30. 互文性理论是西方后现代主义文学创作的理论总结,既来源于后现代主义文学创作实践,又有其后现代哲学,尤其是语言哲学的根基。

    Intertextuality theory is the theoretical summary of the literary production of western postmodernism , which is based on both the productive practice of postmodern literature and postmodern philosophy , particularly language philosophy .