
shí èr ɡè
  • dozen
  1. 这批新展品明年将在美国十二个城市巡回展出。

    The new exhibit will tour a dozen US cities next year .

  2. 组长管十二个工人

    The group leader supervises a dozen workers .

  3. 他一连使十二个击球手出局。

    He retired twelve batters in a row .

  4. 我们需要从二月份以来的十二个月的数据。

    We need the figures for the twelve months , beginning with february .

  5. 一年中有十二个节日。

    There are twelve festivals around the year .

  6. 业界分析家预测,结合了Web服务的企业门户将未来的十二个月内实现。

    Industry analysts predict that enterprise portals combined with Web services will take off within the next twelve months .

  7. 经统计学分析,脾虚证、痰证及血瘀证与其他十二个证候相比较均有显著性差异(p<0.01)。

    Through analyzing statistically , the occurrence frequency of spleen deficiency syndrome , phlegm syndrome and blood stasis syndrome had significant differences with that of other twelve syndromes ( p < 0.01 ) .

  8. 劳工部部长希尔达·索利斯(HildaSolis)提请大家注意这样一个事实:美国就业岗位已经连续十二个月增加。

    Labor Secretary Hilda Solis called attention to the fact that the economy has added jobs for twelve months in a row .

  9. Hansen说,一般情况下海外求职都需要用六到十二个月,而且在任何国家找工作本身就是一项全职工作。

    The average job search abroad ranges between six to 12 months , and searching for a job in any country is a full-time job itself , Hansen says .

  10. 目标层为AMT性能评价;三个准则层为AMT基本性能、换档舒适性和可靠性;十二个指标变量层为每个性能中选取的评价指标。

    Target level is the evaluation of AMT performance ; three rule layers are AMT basic performance , shift comfortable and reliability ; twelve index variable layer is the evaluation index of each performance . 2 .

  11. 本研究阐述了危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)的由来、特点与优势,介绍了HACCP的七个原理和建立HACCP计划的十二个步骤以及国际组织、各国政府对采用HACCP的态度。

    In this study , the origin , characters , advantages and 7 principles and 12 steps of hazard analysis and critical control point ( HACCP ) were introduced . The status of the application of HACCP in all over the world and all industries was illuminated .

  12. 案例讨论与实验参与(5%):HST.035的十二个实验课程中有十个是在网路上进行的。

    Active participation in case discussions and laboratories ( 5 % ) . Ten of the12 laboratory sessions in HST.035 are web-based .

  13. 首先,应用Mindlin假设条件下构造的四节点任意四边形板(壳)单元,和二节点十二个自由度的空间梁单元,构造了板梁组合结构计算模型。

    Following jobs were done in the course of graduate : First , the quadrangle element with 4 nodes and the void beam element with 2 nodes and 12 freedom were conformed on the Mindlin suppose condition , as well as the calculate model of the stiffened plates .

  14. 根据全国房地产经纪人协会(NAR)周二公布的一项研究报告,在截至今年三月的十二个月里,中国买家们花费了220亿美元在美国房产上,以美元来算占海外销售额的24%。

    Chinese buyers spent $ 22 billion on US homes in the 12-month period ending in March , or about 24 percent of total foreign sales by dollar value , according to a study released Tuesday by the National Association of Realtors ( NAR ) .

  15. 基于此,借鉴了其它学习环境的成熟做法发展了CLEs的设计模型,提出八要素设计与十二个评价变量组成的交叉设计网络。

    On this basis , by referring to some other mature learning environments theories , the writer puts forward a CLES design model , which is a crisscrossing design network composed of eight elements and twelve evaluation variables .

  16. 选择南昌市西湖区儿童保健门诊年龄满三个月至十二个月龄、出生体重≥2500g,喂养正常的系统管理儿童,共计112例。

    112 systematic managed children were chosen from the Children Health Clinic in the Westlake District , Nanchang , who were three to twelve months old with birth weight ≥ 2 500 g and were fed normally .

  17. 他在非洲度过了近十二个年头。

    He spent some twelve years of his life in africa .

  18. 最高可被判罚款一万元及入狱十二个月。

    The maximum penalty is a $ 10000 fine and12 months'imprisonment .

  19. 如何与这十二个信息中心绑定连接?

    How does this tie in with the twelve information centers ?

  20. 我的剧院因为瘟疫关了十二个礼拜。

    My theater is closed by the plague these twelve weeks .

  21. 但当不定式作其宾补时,变为被动语态一定要加to。这个男孩被迫每天干十二个小时的活。

    The boy was made to work twelve hours a day .

  22. 她开始研究在十二个月延长人类寿命的方法。

    At twelve she began researching ways to extend human life .

  23. 马氏巴蜗牛的生殖系统由十二个器官组成。

    The genital system of Bradybaena maacki consists of twelve organs .

  24. 晚上,有十二个女孩来看她们演戏。

    That evening , twelve girls arrived to watch the play .

  25. 我们十二个挤成一团睡觉。

    The twelve of us slept together in a tangled clump .

  26. 许多受失业问题打击最严重的地区可以领到再维持十二个月的追加救济金。

    Many hard-hit areas have supplemental benefits that last another 12 months .

  27. 我是公主,在寻找我的十二个哥哥。

    I am a princess and am looking for my twelve brothers .

  28. 一个男孩比十二个女孩还要麻烦。

    One boy is more trouble than a dozen girls .

  29. 十二个蒽醌化合物的质子核磁共振谱研究

    Studies on proton magnetic resonance spectra of twelve anthraquinone compounds

  30. 十二个小时后,我才被允许离开。

    I was allowed to leave only after twelve hours .