
  1. 菊池已经十年没下过追杀令。

    Kikuchi hadn 't commanded murders for10 years .

  2. 其一是,通过一个十年预测下一个十年的增长,几乎没有统计学基础。

    One is that there is almost no statistical basis for predicting growth from one decade to another .

  3. 在今后十年内不下于四项全力的改革将会改变医学的实践。

    No fewer than four all-out revolutions will transform the practice of medicine in the next decade .

  4. 但是美国政府终于决定采取政治战略,而不是依赖军事结果&在过去十年的背景下,这是一个突破。

    But there is at last a determination in Washington to have a political strategy rather than depend on a military outcome – and in the context of the past decade that is a breakthrough .

  5. 保时捷的母公司大众汽车集团是世界最大汽车制造商,宣布要大力推动电动汽车的研发,目标是未来十年所有旗下品牌共生产2200万辆电动车。

    Porsche 's parent company , Volkswagen AG , ( VLKAF ) is the world 's largest automaker . It has announced a major push into the development of electric vehicles , setting a target of building 22 million electric cars across its brands over the next 10 years .

  6. 十年前金太太生下了这对双胞胎。

    Mrs King gave birth to the twins ten years ago .

  7. 我喜欢把自己的作品攒起来,我已经工作十年,所以攒下了不少东西。

    I like to archive my work . It 's now10 years that I have been working , so I have a lot of things .

  8. 《中美能源环境十年合作框架》下的能效行动计划确实正在开展这方面的工作。

    Indeed , work is already underway in this area under the Energy Efficiency Action Plan of the U.S. - China Ten Year Framework for Cooperation on Energy and the Environment .

  9. 歌德和席勒生活在同一时代背景下,又共同合作十年,不仅结下了伟大的友谊,同时在文艺理论上也有很多相同的看法。

    Goethe and Schiller lived in the same background , and years of working together , not only forged a great friendship , but also in literary theory , many of the same view .

  10. 这项梳理工作凸显了这些合作行动的广泛程度,包括在2009年签署的《加强气候变化、能源和环境合作的谅解备忘录》和《中美能源环境十年合作框架》下的合作行动。

    This stocktaking exercise highlighted the breadth of these cooperative efforts , including under the 2009 Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU ) to Enhance Cooperation on Climate Change , Energy and the Environment , as well as under the Ten Year Framework for Cooperation on Energy and Environment .