
  1. 开辟十三行商埠文化旅游区乃名城历史文化遗址整饬利用的最好模式。

    Developing the cultural tourist area of commerical ports at Shisanhang in Guangzhou is the best way to rebuild , modify and utilize the famous historical and cultural relics .

  2. 论清代广州十三行商人对岭南文化的贡献清代广东体制再研究

    The Study on the Contribution of the Thirteen-hong Merchants of Canton to Lingnan Culture

  3. 本文将从经济对文化影响的角度,重点来探究清代广州十三行商人对岭南文化的贡献。

    From the perspective of the economic impact to culture , this article will mainly probe into the contribution of the thirteen-hong merchants in Qing dynasty to Lingnan culture .