
  1. 您将于二OO二年元月一日开始任职。本职将使您获酬每月六千港币。这个医疗会议已于西元两千零六年的十二月二十日于台北举行。

    You are to start as of 1st January , 2002 . For this work you are to be paid HK $ 6,000 monthly . The medical convention was held in Taipei on Dec. 20 , 2006 .

  2. 这个医疗会议已于西元两千零六年的十二月二十日于台北举行。

    The medical convention was held in Taipei on Dec. 20 , 2006 .

  3. 兹函复贵公司十二月二十日的来函,附上您所需要的资料如下。

    In reply to your letter of December 20 we give you the following information you have asked for .