
The Graham-Dodd price-to-earnings ratio is a more conservative valuation metric based on inflation - adjusted earnings over the past 10 years .
The System of Viewpoint-Structure Teaching Technology is a scientific and efficient teaching method and general model of teaching .
Seaborne iron ore demand will continue to grow strongly over the next 10 years , albeit at a low compound annual growth rate .
Financial accounting principle-agent system has been proven to be a very effective financial management system at Village level after the practice in the recent decade .
To study the regularity of compound herbal formulae in treating coronary heart disease , 347 formulae proved to be effective for coronary heart disease were collected and sorted out to establish database .
A Descriptive Study of the Ten English Versions of Tao Te Ching
And it obtained some important periodically research productions in the mutagenesis breeding , plant transgenic , origin and evolution of life , environment radiation and human health during so short decade which established a research direction with important theory meanings and application values .