
  • 网络over ten years
  1. 多年来,新隆人深谙“消费者为上帝”的真谛,产品款式不断推陈出新,十年如一日严把质量关,注重售后服务。

    Xinlongnees believe that'Customer is GOD'and so for over ten years they have been striving continuously to conduct products with the best quality , the best style and the best after-sales service .

  2. 哈根达斯声称质量十年如一日。

    Haagen-Dazs claims that this attention to quality remains unchanged .

  3. 主要表现在:关于老年玩具的理论和资料还不够完整和系统;现存的经典的老年玩具十年如一日,没有大的突破。

    Mainly in : theory and data on older toys is still incomplete and systematic ; the existing classics of older toys for years have no major breakthrough .

  4. 注:这是一篇特别感人的文章,讲述了一个父亲如何带着女儿十年如一日读了700多本书的故事。

    Over the years , he has built a collection of700 of the best books he and Kristen read together . " I don 't have much money to pass on ," he said .