  • life;fate;lot;fortune
  • order;appoint;assign
  • 动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。

  • 迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。

  • 上级对下级的指示:奉~。遵~。~令。使~。

  • 给予(名称等):~名。~题。~意。

  • 指派,使用:~官。


(生命; 性命) life:

  • 救命

    save sb.'s life; help;

  • 死于非命

    die of violence or accident; die an unnatural death


(命运) fate; lot; fortune; destiny:

  • 苦命

    hard lot; cruel fate;

  • 算命

    tell sb.'s fortune;

  • 宿命论


  • 安天乐命

    happy with one's lot;

  • 她已经听天由命了。

    She has resigned herself to fate.


(命令; 指示) order; command:

  • 待命

    await orders;

  • 奉命

    receive order;

  • 遵命

    obey order


(命令;指派) order; appoint:

  • 命驾

    order your carriage; do me the honour of your visit;

  • 任命

    appoint sb. to a post


(给与名称等) assign (a name etc.):

  • 命意

    assign a theme [topic]

  1. 这胡乱一枪就要了一个无辜孩子的命。

    An innocent child 's life has been snuffed out by this senseless shooting .

  2. 他敏捷的思考救了她一命。

    His quick thinking saved her life .

  3. 他不要命地冲过了三条车道。

    He made a kamikaze run across three lanes of traffic .

  4. 我为这次考试命都豁出去了。

    I slogged my guts out for the exam .

  5. 他一个劲地喝酒,似乎命都不要了。

    He seems hell-bent on drinking himself to death .

  6. 如果他继续这样开车,总有一天会把命都丢掉。

    If he carries on driving like that , he 'll end up dead .

  7. 她总是怪命不好。

    She is always bemoaning her lot .

  8. 她救了他一命,使他免遭淹死。

    She saved him from drowning .

  9. 如果你付赎金,可能就要了你儿子的命。

    If you pay the ransom , you may be signing your son 's death warrant .

  10. 我要是逮住那个王八蛋,非要了他的狗命不可!

    I 'll kill that son of a bitch when I get my hands on him !

  11. 钱就是他的命。

    Money is his god .

  12. 雅各布·辛克莱在一名士兵的手里送了命。

    Jacob Sinclair met his death at the hands of a soldier

  13. 他嗜财如命。

    He was intensely eager , indeed avid , for wealth .

  14. 职员们称赞他救了海丝的命。

    The staff are crediting him with having saved Hythe 's life

  15. 再过3周或4周不会要了我的命!

    Three or four more weeks won 't kill me !

  16. 在许多社会,子女结婚仍然只能听从父母之命。

    In many societies children still marry someone of their parents ' choice .

  17. 他一定是一直想放松一段时间,可就是没这个命。

    He must have been hoping for a relaxed time . No such luck .

  18. 除非医生告诉他喝酒会要他的命,否则他是不会戒酒的。

    He won 't stop drinking unless he 's told by a doctor that it 's killing him .

  19. 4月29日,奉英国银行之命,该公司的各项活动被暂停。

    On April 29 , the activities of the company were suspended on the orders of the Bank of England .

  20. 一份报纸半开玩笑地写道:要不是喝酒已经要了他的命,这肯定会让他想要喝上一杯。

    A newspaper half jested : Had alcohol not already killed him , this would surely drive him to drink .

  21. 为什么那些看起来神志正常的人会拼了命地要拿到一个博士学位?

    Why do apparently sane people go through all the blood , sweat , tears and heartache involved in getting a PhD ?

  22. 一提“心脏衰竭”四字,外行人就联想到命不久矣的情景。

    The mere mention of the words ' heart failure ' , can conjure up , to the layman , the prospect of imminent death

  23. 有人告诉她嫁个有钱人是她的命。

    She was told that it was her destiny to marry a rich man .

  24. 他显然对你这种怨天尤命的态度不满意。

    He seemed annoyed at your complaining manner .

  25. 这是奉他之命买的。

    It was bought on his orders .

  26. 你救了我的命。

    You have saved my life .

  27. 他父母不同意他们结婚,担心他俩的命相克。

    His parents disapproved of the marriage because of ill-matched horoscopes .

  28. 该报告是奉总统之命写成的。

    The report was prepared at the direction of the president .

  29. 即使那会要我的命,我也一定要做。

    I will do it if it kill me .

  30. 他的病情很重,恐怕保不住命了。

    He is in critical condition and his life may be in danger .