
  • 网络Unborn;Misaeng
  1. 蛋未生下来,切勿咯咯叫。

    Never cackle till your egg is layed .

  2. 此时此刻的荒野宛如燧人氏未生以前的世界。

    By then the barren plain resembled the world before the birth of Sui-jen Shih .

  3. 趁白雪还未生下孩子在诅咒生效前她和王子将会进入这个衣橱被传送到一片遥远的土地上

    Before the curse strikes , before Snow gives birth to her child , she and the prince will enter the wardrobe and travel to a distant land ,

  4. 君生我未生,我生君已老,一直觉得读起来琅琅上口,却从未理解此话的含义。

    Gentleman 's livinging me livinged , I livinged the gentleman gentleman to miss , has been feel to read easy to read , but never comprehend the meaning of this words .

  5. 城镇学生与山区未住校生甲肿率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);

    There was no significance between town pupils and nonresident students of mountainous area in goiter rate ( P > 0.05 ) .

  6. 注射HCG后1h,卵丘细胞开始扩展,此时卵母细胞核膜完整,即未发生生发泡破裂(GVBD);

    One hour after the injection of an ovulatory dose of HCG , expansion of cumulus cells in the outer layer of large antral follicles was observed , but oocyte maturation as evidenced by germinal vesicle breakdown ( GVBD ) was not evident .

  7. 这是因为我们还未真正生起出离心的关系。

    Why is that ? That 's because we haven 't really generated the mind of Renunciation ( from this mundane world ) .

  8. 并且我以为那未曾生的,就是未见过日光之下恶事的,比这两等人更强。

    But better than both is he who has not yet been , who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun .

  9. 未年生人,凡事考虑周到,对四周事务处理妥当,有进取心,人际圆融,善于交际。

    Those born in Wei years have initiative spirits , consider in every aspect before action , and are able to get along very well .

  10. 并且在病原压力下,接种过该内生细菌的南美蟛蜞菊茎段比未接种内生细菌的茎段生长得更好。

    And under pathogen pressure , the growth of the stem segments of W. trilobata inoculated with endophytic bacteria was better than that of without endophytic bacteria inoculation .

  11. 格非对存在的考证不仅为知识分子的文化危机提供了精神备忘录,而且点燃了文化灰烬里未熄犹生的薪火余温。

    His examination on existence not only provided spiritual aide-memoirs for the cultural crisis of the intellectuals , but also gave a new hope to the fading torch of culture .

  12. 实际上,养蜂场里的和健康食品店中的未经加工的生蜂蜜确实含有多种维生素和矿物质,如烟酸、核黄素、维生素B1、B6等,但它们的总量也只占到2%。

    While raw , unrefined varieties of honey - from farms and health food stores - do contain trace vitamins and minerals ; niacin , riboflavin , thiamine and vitamin B6 , they only make up about two per cent of honey 's total content .

  13. 美国未成年母亲所生三胞胎的生存情况

    Survival of triplets who are born to teen mothers in the United States

  14. 他无法掩饰因未被邀请而生的气恼。

    He could not hide his irritation that he had not been invited .

  15. 内生细菌的检测,以原生质体爆破法和抗生素处理法进行检验,最终都未检测到内生细菌。

    Endophytic bacteria is not detected by means of protoplasts blasting and antibiotic treatment .

  16. 苎麻试管苗未离体叶面生芽的细胞学观察

    Cytological Observation of Bud Formation on the Leaf Surface of Test Tube Seedlings of Ramie

  17. 他解释,洋葱非常吸引细菌,特别是未经烹调的生洋葱。

    He explained , onions are a huge magnet for bacteria , especially uncooked onions .

  18. o最后也向我显现;我好像一个未到产期而生的人。

    O and last of all he appeared to me also , as to one abnormally born .

  19. 生酒保鲜装置可使未经灭菌的生清酒长期保鲜。

    And the fresh preservation equipment for crude sake could ensure long-term fresh of crude sake without sterilization .

  20. 不为通知者,保险人对未为通知所生之损害,不负赔偿责任。

    If no such notice was despatched , the insurer would not be liable for any damages resulted therefore .

  21. 林前十五8末了也向我这如同未到产期而生的人显现。

    Cor.15:8 And last of all He appeared to me also , as it were to one born prematurely .

  22. 未陈化的生胶乳制成的硫化胶乳,其粘度明显比陈化3天以上制成者高。

    Vulcanized latex produced from fresh raw latex obviously has a higher viscosity than that of the latex ageing for over three days .

  23. 哈尔滨大部分高校未开设硕士研究生阶段的体育课,在客观上很大程度限制了研究生的体育锻炼活动。

    Harbin , most of the universities did not provide graduate stage of physical education , limited to a large extent objectively System of physical exercises graduate .

  24. 实验采用国家规定的标准办法检验未经消毒的生牛乳中的细菌总数和大肠菌群数。

    The objects of this experiment were to checkout the bacteria count and the coliform group most probable number ( MPN ) of these fresh milk , which was not disinfected , with the conventional method .