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  1. 从某种心态来说,在中国,一切事都是别人的事。

    To a certain mindset , in China everything is someone elses business .

  2. 等等,那都是别人的血汗钱

    Wait , it 's other people 's money .

  3. 每个人最先关注的都是别人的外表。

    Everyone looks on the outside . '

  4. 发生这类事故,往往都是别人的过错,而不能怪货车司机。

    When such accidents happen , someone other than a truck driver is usually at fault .

  5. 但是对艾伦来说,这种讨论都是别人的事情,

    But so far as Alan Turing was concerned , this was a debate for other people .

  6. 当牧师把手放在她头上给她施圣洗礼、吟诵与上帝的誓约,告诉凯伦她现在是一个成年基督教徒的时候,凯伦满脑子想的都是别人的目光。

    It was only of these that she thought when the clergyman laid his hand upon her head and spoke of the holy baptism , of the covenant with God , and told her that she was now to be a grown-up Christian .

  7. 第一块手表往往都是别人送的,从天美时(Timex)起,不一而足。收到的场合可能是毕业,转正,找到第一份工作,也可能是成年礼。

    One 's first watch is often a gift anything from a Timex on up received at graduation , confirmation , first job or Bar Mitzvah .

  8. 他们的奴隶都是别人赠送的.

    Most of their slaves were given to them as gifts .

  9. 我一直都是看别人的脸色过日子。

    I keep living my life waiting for the other shoe to drop .

  10. 大部分用于分析分形的数学工具都是别人创造的。

    Most of the mathematics used to analyse fractals was developed by others .

  11. 从来没有恋爱过,都是别人说的。

    Never been in love before , but that 's what they say .

  12. 显然这本书里的许多观点都是抄袭别人的。

    It is obvious that many ideas in the book have been borrowed .

  13. 那么,他们提出来的想法都是别人没有的吗?

    So they 're coming up with ideas no one else has had ?

  14. 这些都是别人投注的钱。

    These are the bets from other people .

  15. 历史上许多艺术家,包括米开朗基罗,都是在别人的委托下进行艺术创作的。

    Throughout the ages , many great artists , including Michelangelo , created art on commission .

  16. 但我总是告诉自己,你不能总是用人家的体系来工作,因为我无论取得怎样的成果,都是在别人的体系下来工作。

    But very often , they already lowered their standards . I always tell myself , I cannot just utilize this system to do all my work for all the time .

  17. 这意味着它们免受诽谤发表评论组,因为这些意见都是别人写的博客,只是为他们提供一个空间可以发表。

    It means that they are immune from libels published in their comments section because these comments are written by other people and the blogger is merely providing a space for them to be published .

  18. 从前有个脾气很坏的女人,她总是对着身边的人大嚷大叫,认为她生气都是因为别人的错。

    Once upon a time there lived a woman who had a bad temper . She screamed at and scolded everyone around her . For most of her life she believed the fiery rage inside her was everyone elses fault .

  19. 大部分人都是听从别人的期待去工作或者按照别人铺好的路去走,而不愿冒更多的职业风险和遵循我们的内心去工作挣钱。

    Many of us wish we had taken more career risks , opted for meaning over money , pursued the career path we wanted instead of what we were expected to do or simply following the path that was laid out before us .

  20. 他们的家具许多都是从别人扔掉的东西中捡来的。

    Much of their furniture was scavenged from other people 's garbage .

  21. 我的足球图文标签多数都是跟别人换来的。

    Most of my football stickers are swaps .

  22. 大多数这么做的人都是想逃避别人的注意力。

    Most people prefer the back because they 're afraid of being noticed .

  23. 都是别人告诉你的。

    You 've only been told that .

  24. 所有的信都是别人用你的签名发给我的,对吗?

    Somebody sent all those letters to me and signed them with your name , right ?

  25. 也都是听别人讲的。

    It 's always Second-or third-hand .

  26. 换个说法就是,向我们公司一样,许多公司都是建立在别人的失败之上。

    So said differently , many companies like our own are built on the failures of others .

  27. 这都是在伤害别人的感情。

    It hurts peoples feelings .

  28. 它表示这个男人是屈从的,他做的每件事都是为别人做的,并且放弃了自己的尊严。

    It means that the man is subservient GetWord (" subservient "); , that he does everything for another person , and has compromised his dignity GetWord (" dignity "); .

  29. 这都是一味听别人的意见,而产生最严重的后果啊!

    This is the worst result of blindly listening to the other people 's opinions !

  30. 事实上,金融市场中相当一部分行为都是在设计赚别人的钱,这令人沮丧。

    In fact , that is what a depressing proportion of financial market activity is about .