
  1. 这都是假象,看来我真的该休息了!

    All of these are gloss , I need to have a rest indeed .

  2. 那些广告内容都是假象,他说,那是描述的转变,而不是形势的转变。

    All this advertising stuff is epiphenomenal , he says - a shift in the description rather than the situation .

  3. 如果能让最后10秒钟紧张刺激,就可以给观众造成场面一直都是如此的假象。

    If you can make the last 10 seconds exciting , you can deceive your audience into thinking it 's been like that all along .

  4. 浮雕作品中的构图、材料、技法、光线、色彩、环境等都是制造空间假象的元素,综合运用这些元素,能给浮雕画面创造出丰富的立体空间感。

    The composition , materials , techniques , light , color , environment and other things of embossments are the basic elements for space illusions . Comprehensive use of these elements can create a rich three-dimensional space for the scene of embossments .