
  • 网络Fake;Are false
  1. 但正如甘地本人所说,“Pinterest(以图片展示和分享而闻名的社交媒体网站)上有一半引用我说的话都是假的。”

    But as Gandhi once said , " Half my quotes on Pinterest are fake 。 "

  2. 现在网上的球探工具都是假的。

    All of those which are in the net now are fake .

  3. 那些影片里的暴力场面太不真实了,都是假的。

    The violence in those films was too unreal , it was make-believe

  4. 过去都是假的,回忆是一条没有归途的路,以往的一切春天都无法复原,即使最狂乱且坚韧的爱情,归根结底也不过是一种瞬息即逝的现实。

    The past was a lie , that memory has no return , that every spring gone by could never be recovered , and that the wildest and most tenacious3 love was an ephemeral truth in the end .

  5. 甚至他上传到Xytex上的照片都是假的,他PS掉了自己脸上的大痣。

    Even the photos he posted on Xytex may have been phony - he appeared to have digitally wiped a large mole from his face .

  6. NPR的莉拉·法德尔报道称,之前逮捕到易卜拉欣的言论都是假的。

    NPR 's Leila Fadel reports that in the past , claims of his capture were proven faults .

  7. 你想让我们相信这一切都是假的?

    You want us to believe it was all a set-up ?

  8. 社会福利卡以及驾照都是假的。

    My social security cards and driver 's licenses were phonies .

  9. 那些关于达的谣言都是假的。

    I guess rumors about the great Dahl were all lies .

  10. 我可以向你保证那些都是假的。

    I can assure you , no truth to them whatsoever .

  11. 匈牙利警方认为5张画都是假的。

    Hungarian police assumed all five canvases were a fake .

  12. 所陈列的威士忌酒都是假的。

    The bottles of whisky on display are all dummies .

  13. 这一大套的背运的说法都是假的吗?

    That this whole bad luck thing is totally bogus ?

  14. 没有,政府发现我所有的证件都是假的。

    No , the government discovered that all my papers were phony .

  15. 而那些花明显都是假的。

    Was dangerously high and the flowers were obviously fake .

  16. 只有赝品是真的,别的都是假的!

    Only a fake is true , everything is false !

  17. 所以我猜整件艾米莉离婚的事都是假的

    So I assume Emily 's whole divorce story was a sham ?

  18. 那些故事都是假的,全是一派胡言。

    These stories are false , just so much blab .

  19. 一段时间以后你就忘记了所有的估价都是假的。

    After a while you forget that all the comps are bogus .

  20. 对因为这儿所有人的记忆都是假的

    with fake memories . Right , because everyone here has fake stories

  21. 哦,那谣言都是假的了?

    Oh , so the rumor 's completely false then ?

  22. 除了那些对话,所有的声音都是假的。

    Everything , apart from the dialogue , is fake .

  23. 这些都是假的,你在做梦。

    None of this is real . You 're in a dream .

  24. 传来消息说这一切都是假的。

    There comes the news that everything is false .

  25. 他是真正的真主,其它的主都是假的。

    He is the true God , and every other deity is false .

  26. 还有,关于我的那些传闻都是假的。

    And the rumors about me are all lies .

  27. 招募行动,秘密会议,都是假的。

    The recruit with the mission , the secret conference , are myths .

  28. 不这都是假的

    No , no. None of this is true .

  29. 什么都是假的,还是靠自己才是对的

    What are false , or on its own is the right of the

  30. “你雇我是因为我很优秀”都是假的咯…

    So all that stuff about hiring me because I was good was ...