
  1. 我会履行你的约定的,爷爷!

    I 'll keep your promise , grandpa !

  2. 你的命名约定是什么?

    What is your naming convention ?

  3. 一个好的技巧是对这些额外的要求进行时间限制4和你的朋友约定一个方便的五分钟会面,会面中他或她将尽他或她的能力解释所面临的情况。

    A good technique is to time box these " extra requests . " 4 Schedule a convenient five-minute meeting with your friend in which he or she explains the issue to the best of his or her ability .

  4. 或者是我也帮你取消明天的约定?

    Or should I call off your appointments for tomorrow too ?

  5. 关于要了你的命的约定。

    The contract I had on your life .

  6. 亲爱的我这辈子就违过一次约但绝对不是你我之间的约定

    I broke one deal in my life , dear , and it certainly wasn 't this one .

  7. 你没有坚持我们的约定。

    You didn 't abide by the terms of our deal .

  8. 你违反了我们的约定你去见了那个叫萨拉的女孩

    You broke our agreement . You went to see that girl Sara .

  9. 你打碎了我们的约定,让我认识到。

    You broke the promise and made me realise .

  10. 带你的人守卫好约定地点

    Take your men and secure the rendezvous point .

  11. 除非你重新考虑我们的约定。

    Unless you 're rethinking our agreement .

  12. 你只要记住我们的约定。

    You just remember our deal .

  13. 如果你违背了共同的约定,你将只能得到人民币而不是其他的货币。

    Subject to mutual arrangements to the contrary , you will be paid in Renminbi and not in any other currency .

  14. 所以说你破坏了我们的约定追踪了我你一路飞到百慕大来就为了听我的见解

    So you -- you broke our agreement , you tracked me down , you flew all the way out here to Bermuda for insight ?

  15. 温暖的气息,深深打动我的心,希望你明白,天长地久的约定,我已无力承受着无情。

    The warmth of life , deeply touched my heart , I hope you understand that endures for ever agreement , I can not afford to have mercilessly .

  16. 普丽娅第一次来洛杉矶时,我和莱纳德出于对我们友情以及对你的尊敬,我们约定,谁也不能泡你妹妹。拉杰:你们拉钩钩了吗?

    The first time Priya came to L.A. Leonard and I made a pact out of respect to our friendship and to you that neither of us would her . Rsj : Did you

  17. 要达到这种效果,你可以和你现在的朋友约定只说英语。

    You can do this by making rules with your existing friends that you will only speak English .

  18. 你还记得我们在你妈妈墓前的约定么?

    Don 't you remember our promise before your mom 's grave ?

  19. 这些你公开暴露给外部世界的类和接口,是你的约定:你必须依靠它们。

    Those classes and interfaces that you expose publicly to the outside world are your contract : You must live up to them .

  20. 安:你明天能来吗?或者是我也帮你取消明天的约定?

    ANN : Do you think you 'll be able to come in tomorrow ?

  21. 起初,你对这个模型颇有信心:公共汽车会按照不确定的时间表到来;你和你的朋友都根据约定的见面时间来计划到达时间;你的才能终将得到认可。

    At first you have confidence in the model . The bus will adhere to its uncertain schedule . Both you and your friend have intended arrival times based on the agreed time of meeting . Your talents will eventually be recognised .