
  1. 最后,提前决定好你要做什么。

    Finally , decide in advance what you want to do .

  2. 不管你要做什么最危险的事。

    Then whatever is the most dangerous thing that you do .

  3. 清楚你要做什么样的公司。

    Know what kind of company you are trying to build .

  4. 拿多米尔,今天你要做什么?

    Radomir , what are you going to do today ?

  5. 在接下来的15分钟里你要做什么?

    What will you do with the next 15 minutes ?

  6. 你要做什么,年青人?

    What do you thinkyou 're doing , young man ?

  7. 李辰,假期中你要做什么?

    What are you doing for vacation , Ii Chen ?

  8. 如果遇到一个外国人,你要做什么?为什么?

    What would you do if you met an alien ? Why ?

  9. 你要做什么其它的伤害我的是吗?

    Are you gonna do something else that still hurts ?

  10. 杰夫:今天下班之后你要做什么,琼?

    Jeff : What are you doing after work today , Joan ?

  11. 那你要做什么?打秋千。

    So what you gonna do ? Take a swing ?

  12. 你要做什么?收我的吸烟费?

    What are you going to do ? Charge me for smoking ?

  13. 那你要做什么呢?我接受这项挑战

    What you are going to do ? I accept the challenge .

  14. 动物园的志愿者?你要做什么特别的事呢?

    Volunteer in a zoo ? What specific things will you do ?

  15. 别走,你要做什么?

    Don 't go anywhere . What are you doing ?

  16. 你要做什么等下

    What are you doing ? Just hang on .

  17. 他问他:你要做什么?

    He asks him : what are you doing ?

  18. 决定3:你要做什么?

    Decision 3 : What will you do ?

  19. 这周末你要做什么?我要去听音乐会。

    What will you do this weekend ? I 'll go to a concert .

  20. 这个周末你要做什么呀?

    What are you doing on the weekend ?

  21. 如果她没意识到你要做什么。

    If she didn 't realize that was what you were going to do .

  22. 不管你要做什么,要尽快。

    Whatever you do , do it quick .

  23. 我知道你要做什么。

    I know what you 're gonna do .

  24. 苏珊:你要做什么?

    Susan : What are you making ?

  25. 可是我还没有告诉你要做什么。

    Bob Lee swagger : I haven 't even told you what it is yet .

  26. 你要做什么?用棍子敲我头。

    What are you gonna do ? Knock me on my head with a club .

  27. 奥,你要做什么,要买通休斯顿的所有头头吗?

    Well , what did you do , buy up all the control heads in Houston ?

  28. 如果我当时知道你要做什么,我就会制止你了。

    Had I realized what you were intending to do , I would have stopped you .

  29. 下次你要做什么,请让我知情。

    I just hope the next time you decide to do something , you include me .

  30. 星期六你要做什么?我经常做作业,读书。

    What do you do on Saturdays ? I often do homework , read books and .