
  1. 如果你最初的请求遭到拒绝,不要害怕,要继续追问下去。

    If your original request is denied , don 't be afraid to pursue the matter .

  2. 你最初的出价低于卖方的要价,卖方也接受了。你要买的这套房下架,你就要买成了。

    Your below-asking-price offer has been accepted , the property you are buying is off the market , and it 's all steam ahead towards completion .

  3. 我提供你最初的暗示,问题,与迂回的指示。

    I give thee the first suggestion , the problem and indirection .

  4. 我永远珍爱对你最初的误解。

    I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you .

  5. 爸爸,我知道我带走了你最初的爱

    Dad . l know l took your first love from you .

  6. 以下哪些方面与你最初的期望不一致?

    Which following aspects inconsistency with you initially expect ?

  7. 你最初的想法是对还是错?

    Were your first thoughts right or wrong ?

  8. 你最初的志向是什么?

    What was your earliest ambition ?

  9. 在你最初的小说构思中,为什么要把一本书的背景设置在中国呢?

    In your original conception of the novel , why did you want to set a book in China ?

  10. 分享你最初的想法、无偿提供一些有益的建议之后,改变这种状态是完全合情合理。

    After sharing your initial thoughts or giving some meaningful advice for free , it 's entirely acceptable to change the dynamic .

  11. 这取决于你最初的姿势,你可能只是需要转一下你的头,或者你需要稍微地倾斜一下。

    Depending on your starting position you may need only to turn your head , or you may need to lean in a bit .

  12. 当坏事发生时,仔细留意自己的想法,把你最初的想法原原本本地记下来,一字不改。

    Pay careful attention to your thoughts when bad things happen , Write down the first thing that comes to mind , unedited and uncensored .

  13. 我们再回到你最初的问题,未来三年内,公司70%的产品将更新换代。

    But to your original question , over the next three years , 70 % of our portfolio will be turned over and in its first run .

  14. 女:这似乎是你最初的策略,提供从玩具到珠宝的产品,但没有产生你需要的销售额和利润。

    Woman : It seems your original strategy , of offering everything from toys to jewellery , didn 't produce the volume of sales , or profit , you needed .

  15. 春春,请坚持你最初的音乐梦想,无论什么时候你回头,都会看到一望无际的金灿灿的玉米地!

    Chris , please stick to your initial dream about music , and believe whenever you look around , you will always see a vast and limitless field of golden corns !

  16. 如果我能提供更进一步的证据证明候选人比你最初的评价好,你能否至少再考虑一下,把你的判断推迟几天?

    If I could present further evidence that the candidate is far stronger than your initial assessment , would you at least reconsider it and postpone your judgment for a few days ?

  17. 最有年夜概的是,你最初的回响是回击,可是要是你能把自己从这些经验中远分开来并不把它揽在自己身上,你年夜概就会有差此外回响。

    Most likely , your initial reaction was to strike back , but if you were able to distance yourself from the experience and not take it personally , you may have had a different reaction .

  18. 但过了一段时间后,你对最初的模型产生了怀疑。

    But after an interval , you mistrust the original model .

  19. 问:它跟你最初推出的那些酒店有什么不同?

    What 's different with hotels from when you started ?

  20. 你是最初的你,做你自己

    You 're original , so just be you

  21. 大胆放大。一张好的照片应该总是比你最初想象的空间要宽一些(要留出一些裁剪的空间)。

    Enlarge generously . A good picture should always be on column wider than you first think it should be .

  22. 愿你将最初的叹息连同最后的悲泣,一齐丢入生命的熔炉里,铸出黄金的希冀。

    May you discard your first sigh together with your last weep into the furnace of life to cast golden hope .

  23. 一首引人入胜的视觉诗篇,游走于现实和想像力之间,唤起你我最初的原始欲望。

    An entrancing visual poem that plays out at the frontier between reality and imagination , evoking the first flush of desire .

  24. 更让人称赞的是,他们说这份食谱太棒了,它可以让你在最初的两个星期里瘦13斤。

    Better still , they say , the diet works so well that you could shed as much as a stone in the first two weeks .

  25. 当然,在电影中有很多这样的故事,但是他们能比你最初认为的更能反映现实生活吗?

    Sure , these are the stories of the big and small screen , but might they reflect real-life drama more than you 'd initially think ?

  26. 那些被这些文章所吸引的人最可能代表这样一个特性,即现在是觉醒和回忆起你最初目标的时刻了,至爱的人类。

    Those drawn to these pieces are most likely of such a nature , and now is the time to awaken and remember your original purpose beloved .

  27. 在这些情况下送出购买的礼物时,一定不能显得像是对善举的报答,也一定不能表现出你把最初的帮助当作一笔需要偿清的债务。

    Any gift bought in these circumstances must not be presented as some sort of payment for kind deeds , nor must it reveal that you regard the original favour as a debt to be discharged .

  28. 一旦你超越了最初的学习曲线,编织和钩织就可以降低心率和血压。

    Once you get beyond the initial learning curve , knitting and crocheting can lower heart rate and blood pressure .

  29. 如果你划除最初的文件,文件被遗失。

    If you delete the original file , the file is lost .

  30. 你最初弹钢琴的时候有多大?

    How old were you when you first started playing the piano ?