
  • 网络red arrow
  1. 乔恩是英国皇家空军红箭飞行表演队(RoyalAirForceRedArrows)的飞行员。

    Jon was a pilot with the Royal Air Force Red Arrows .

  2. 后来他成为Hawk教练机的飞行教员,接着在阿富汗驾驶Harrier飞机,再后来于2010年加入了红箭队。

    He became an instructor on Hawk training jets and later flew a Harrier in Afghanistan , before joining the Red Arrows in 2010 .

  3. 飞机失事那一年他33岁,在红箭队即将待满一年。我曾多次观看他的表演,但伯恩茅斯飞行节(BournemouthAirFestival)一直是当季的最大亮点之一。

    He was 33 and coming to the end of his first year with the aerobatic team . I watched him perform many times but the Bournemouth Air Festival was always one of the highlights of the season .

  4. 自那次事故以来,我还观看过红箭队的其他一些飞行表演。

    Since the accident I have watched the Red Arrows perform at other events .

  5. 当红箭表演队在头顶上空飞过时,传来一阵震耳欲聋的吼声。

    There was an ear-splitting roar as a the Red Arrows display team flew overhead .

  6. 这有点奇怪,但自乔恩去世后,红箭队给了我莫大的帮助。

    It was a little strange but the team has helped me so much since Jon died .

  7. 飞机失事那一年他33岁,在“红箭”队即将待满一年。

    He was 33 and coming to the end of his first year with the aerobatic team .

  8. 乔恩生前热爱从天上俯瞰世界,在红箭队驾驶飞机是在实现他的一个梦想。

    He loved seeing the world from above and was fulfilling a dream flying with the Red Arrows .

  9. 主办方还表示,7月27日开幕仪式时,英国皇家空军红箭特技飞行表演队还将在全英进行飞行表演。

    Organisers also said the Red Arrows will perform flypasts across the UK to mark the opening ceremony on 27 July .

  10. 这意味着,红箭表演队这次能够完成全套表演,不会因云层遮挡影响编队而无法完成全部动作。

    That meant the Reds could perform their full display , not hampered by the cloud cover that can restrict their formations .

  11. 英国皇家空军表演队“红箭”的一名成员在英格兰南部进行飞行表演时遇难。

    A member of the Royal Air Force display team , the Red Arrows , has been killed during an airshow in southern England .

  12. 后来的调查发现,在红箭队接近机场准备降落时,乔恩在重力的作用下突然失去知觉。

    The inquest later heard that as the Red Arrows approached the airport to land , Jon blacked out due to the effects of G-force .

  13. 随后小王子被爸爸和红箭飞行表演队的工作人员抱进了一架红色的飞机里。

    The little Prince was lifted into one of the Red Arrows as his father and a member of the aerobatic team helped him inside .

  14. 以切花玫瑰红箭为试材,在分别缺乏一种大量元素的情况下,观察分析植株和叶片表现出来的典型症状。

    By using " Hong Jian " as material , under respectively lack a kind of major element , observing and analyzing the typical symptom of limp and leaves .

  15. 英国著名的红箭特技飞行表演队一名飞行员从一架飞机中被射出死亡,当时飞机停落在红箭特技基地的地面上。

    A pilot with Britain 's famous Red Arrows aerobatic display team has died after being ejected from a plane while it was still on the ground at an RAF base .