
  1. 他结了伤疤的那侧脸青紫发红。

    The scarred side of his face was a livid red .

  2. 无声的是你的不舍。还有你苍白的侧脸。

    Silent were your unwilling abandon and your pale side face .

  3. 夜深了,皎洁的月光漫溯过我的侧脸。

    It was late , bright moonlight roving through my side face .

  4. 你和马德琳扬头侧脸,卖弄风情,大吹大擂。

    You and Madeleine were tossing your heads , coquetting , bragging .

  5. 看着你,月光中的侧脸;

    See you there , a silhouette in the moonlight ;

  6. 我能感觉到她的眼睛正盯着我的侧脸。

    I can feel her eyes on the side of my head .

  7. 所以当我感到有沙子打到我的侧脸上时。

    So I had some sand sprayed in the side of my face .

  8. 接着利用侧脸的先验知识再次筛选;

    Secondly , prior knowledge of side-face is applied to eliminate impossible regions .

  9. 我拿起剃刀,从我的这位顾客的一侧脸,自上而下开始工作。

    I took up the razor and started to work , downward from one side .

  10. 一块贝壳浮雕上展示着一个男子的侧脸令人想起他祖国的轮廓。

    A cameo shows the profile of a man that suggests the outline of his country .

  11. 它如同无名的路人,用一个侧脸经过我们身旁,谁也没有察觉。

    Just like a no named passerby , pass us with a half side face , nobody notices .

  12. 她的手穿过柔顺的发丝,露出侧脸,下巴微含。

    She ran her hand across her hair smoothly , turning in profile with her chin slightly angled down .

  13. 所以,这样的话,当孩子抬头看他们的父母时,看到的就是左边的侧脸。

    So , then when the baby looks up at their parent , what they see is the left profile .

  14. 玛丽安看到了这位老妇人旁边另一位老妇人的侧脸。她平躺在床上,看上去年龄更大。

    Marian saw next to her the side-face of another woman , even older , who was lying flat in bed .

  15. “我无法入睡,”我承认道,同时甩了甩我的肩膀头发以遮盖我的一部分侧脸

    " I couldn 't sleep ," I confessed , automatically swinging my hair around my shoulder to provide some measure of cover

  16. 画像中的艺术家身体微侧,头戴帽子,只有一道微弱的黄光照亮他的侧脸。

    The turning profile of the artist is illuminated by a faint yellow light that strikes only one side of the face .

  17. 艺术经纬:您这样仰起点头的侧脸真是太漂亮了,有的照得特别性感。

    Editor : You raised your head and nodded like this , the side face looks really beautiful and some photos are special sexy .

  18. 根据外耳及其所在位置的特征,提出了一种从侧脸图像上准确定位并提取出人耳的新方法。

    According to the feature of ear and its position on the side face , a method based on edge-tracking was adopted for human ear localization and extraction from side face images .

  19. 一天早上,我靠着沙袋站在那儿没事可干,正想什么想得出神。这时一些沙子飞起打在了我的侧脸上。

    I was leaning against some sandbags one morning , not much going on , sort of spacing out , and some sand was kicked into the side of , sort of hit the side of my face .